Thursday, December 24, 2009

Well, It's Christmas Eve...!

Now, in spite of my being Hermit like in my ramblings, I find myself with more friends than I've ever had in my life!

Many of these friends I've never met. Many I have! Many are from countries that I've never been to, share customs entirely different than ours, may not even recognize the same day as a holiday in the manner we do.

That doesn't really matter, does it? If you consider someone a friend, then they are a friend! If you call someone your friend, then they are a friend!

In my way of thinking, a person doesn't have to consider you a friend for them to be your friend. It's nice, but not always the case!

My way of doing things is a lot different than most folks. I keep my own counsel about things in this world. I can be alone without being lonely.

I don't have to have a crowd. I don't have to have a holiday to feel joy! I don't even have to have approval from someone else to be myself and have a good time!

I think that if I can make at least one person smile from time to time, then I will know more joy in my heart than any holiday could bring, regardless of it's name!

The warmth of a friend's smile is more warming to me than any fireplace could ever offer! So, that's what I wish for all of you this Christmas...a happy heart, a warm smile, and a knowledge that, like it or DO indeed have at least one person in this world that considers you special! That considers you a friend!

Oh, and here are some quotes about Christmas that I thought you might enjoy!

Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.
Calvin Coolidge

Christmas is, of course, the time to be home - in heart as well as body.
Garry Moore

Happy, happy Christmas, that can win us back to the delusions of our childhood days, recall to the old man the pleasures of his youth, and transport the traveler back to his own fireside and quiet home!
Charles Dickens

He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree.
Roy L. Smith

I don't think Christmas is necessarily about things. It's about being good to one another, it's about the Christian ethic, it's about kindness.
Carrie Fisher

There's nothing sadder in this world than to awake Christmas morning and not be a child.
Erma Bombeck

Time always seems long to the child who is waiting - for Christmas, for next summer, for becoming a grownup: long also when he surrenders his whole soul to each moment of a happy day.
Dag Hammarskjold

When we were children we were grateful to those who filled our stockings at Christmas time. Why are we not grateful to God for filling our stockings with legs?
Gilbert K. Chesterton

Christmas renews our youth by stirring our wonder. The capacity for wonder has been called our most pregnant human faculty, for in it are born our art, our science, our religion.
Ralph W. Sockman

Now, let's get some fresh coffee...and enjoy the smell of cookies baking and the warmth of true friendship!

MERRY CHRISTMAS to each and every one of you...!


  1. Merry Christmas to you, Jim. To all of your readers, and your family.

  2. Hey Catman...
    Many blessings on you and your family, my friend!

    I thank you for the kind thoughts...and for coming by today!

  3. Merry Christmas Jim,just wanted to let you know How much a scared new blogger apreciated your kind words and good advice! Long as I'm breathin you got a friend Here!

  4. Merry Christmas, Jim!!!
    Hugs to you and the roomies!

  5. Another wonderfully insightful post by a real friend in the Blogging world! Thank You Jim, for being and staying, You!

    Best Wishes to you and all of your readers and may your lives be filled with goodness...

    Your friend, always,


  6. And Merry Christmas to you, my New found wise ole sage. My year has been better since I found your site.
    Hope we can have a coffee someday and swap some stories.

  7. Merry Christmas! May the Lord bless and keep you always. Thank you for your blog. I've recently started to become a fan of it.

    - a reader in Vermont, USA

  8. Merry Christmas to you also, Jim. May you find much peace and happiness in the coming year. It's a pleasure to read your blog in the morning.

  9. Merry Christmas Jim & a Happy Health & Prosperous New Year.


  10. Merry Christmas, I've enjoyed reading your thoughts the last few months. I look forward to much more in 2010.

    Enjoy the coffee. Kris

  11. Merry Christmas Eve My Special One and to all your readers. I hope your stockings are filled with love and peace .
    Some of the quotes are very beautifully put,
    Would love to sit and smell the cookies. I will bring along my croacheting for last minute hats and scarfs for some little ones that are in need?

  12. Wishing you a multitude of blessings and a wonderful Christmas. Thanks for being my friend.

  13. Merry Christmas, Uncle Hermit. May you and yours have a Blessed Holiday.


  14. Hi Friend;

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New year.

    Hope to share a cup of coffee and swap some stories some time.

    See Ya

  15. Hermit, I hope you and yours have a magical holiday, be safe:)

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Merry Christmas HJ...blessings to you, mom, sisters, nephew, critters...heck, the whole HJ crew!

    Pleased and blessed to call you my "friend" indeed.

  18. Merry Christmas to you as well!!

    It always amazes me when people get on the "the internet is ruining friendship" kick. Really??? I consider YOU my friend and like you said, we'd have never crossed paths in the real world. And that doesn't make one whit of difference.

    Peace to you and yours.

  19. We are having a blizzard here, so I am making all my friends put up with my singing. . . Merry Christmas.

    Away in a manger, no crib for a bed,
    The little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head.
    The stars in the bright sky looked down where he lay,
    The little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay.

    The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes,
    But little Lord Jesus no crying he makes.
    I love thee, Lord Jesus! Look down from the sky,
    And stay by my side until morning is nigh.

    Be near me Lord Jesus,
    I ask thee to stay.
    Close by me forever,
    And love my I pray.

    Bless all the dear children,
    In thy tender care.
    And take them to heaven,
    To be with thee there

  20. Hey China...
    Always glad to add another friend into the wonderful world of blogging!

    Proud to have you as both a reader and a new friend, buddy!

    Merry Christmas...and thank you for coming by!

    Hey Cath...
    I do thank you for the wonderful pleasure of your company, my Canadian friend!

    Merry Christmas to you and yours, and may the holidays treat you well!

    Hey Gen...
    Merry Christmas to you, your friends and family! What a pleasure to have you come by today!

    Hey LarryB...
    Always a true pleasure to have you come by!

    Merry Christmas and safe holidays for you and yours, buddy!

    Thanks for the special visit!

    Hey Ben...
    Believe me, it would be a pleasure to share some coffee with you anytime, my man!

    I sure do appreciate the kind words...and the visit today! Merr4y Christmas!

    Hey Anon 7:07...
    Man, I appreciate you dropping by! I do hope that you are staying plenty warm in you have plenty of the white stuff on the ground!

    Merry thanks for becoming a new friend!

    Hey Momlady...
    So good to see you this fine morning! I hope the holidays find you surrounded with peace and love and the warmth of friends and family!

    Thanks so much for coming over...and Merry Christmas!

    Hey Chucky...
    So good to see you again! I hope this holiday season finds you well and happy!

    May the blessings of the season be on your house!

    Merry Christmas...and thanks for coming by!

    Hey Kris...
    I hope you and the family have a safe and happy holiday!

    Merry Christmas to the whole family! Thanks for the visit!

    Hey JoJo...
    So there you are, my little holiday Elf, you! I've been watching for you!

    Where is my Christmas hug? THAT'S better...!

    Merry Christmas, Sweetie, and thank you so much for the wonderful visit today!

    Hey Rae...
    The inspiration and the influence I get from you is a wonderful gift! I thank you for it!

    Merry Christmas...and thank you so much for coming by!

    Hey Felinae...
    Man, it is so good to have you drop in today!
    I do hope that you and yours have a very special holiday...and Merry Christmas!

    Thanks for the visit today...!

    Hey Tony...
    Always a pleasure, buddy! I hope the GF is doing alright, and that the holiday season is treating you well!

    I wish you and your family all the best and a very Merry Christmas!

    Stay warm, be safe...and thank you for the visit!

    Hey Molly...
    I do hope that the magic of the season follows you and yours as well!

    May your house be filled with joy and wonder this holidat! Merry Christmas...and thank you for coming by!

    Hey Mamma...
    All of my clan do wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas indeed!

    I do appreciate you coming by today and thank you so much!

    hey Meadowlark...
    Those kind words are greatly appreciated, my friend! With friends like you, I know my back is always covered and my heart is always full of joy!

    Merry Christmas to you and the family!

    Hey Phelan...
    Girl, I didn't know that you could sing! I do appreciate the tune this morning! I'll get you a cup of coffee...or maybe some hot chocolate instead!

    My friend, I so appreciate the visit...and wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas!

  21. Hey Mayberry...
    Many blessings on your house this holiday season!

    Merry Christmas and thanks for coming by, buddy!

  22. Wish you and your family and friends a Happy Holiday Season MERRY CHRISTMAS and a Healthy and Prosperous 2010

  23. Wonderful! Merry Christmas, friend!

  24. Hey Rekkaa...
    I appreciate your kind and warm wishes this morning!

    Merry Christmas to you and yours...and thank you for coming by!

    Hey ER...
    My talented friend! So good to see you this morning! I do hope that you have a safe and happy holiday...!

    Merry Christmas! Thanks for coming by today!

  25. Merry Christmas Mr. Hermit Jim. Hope you have a real good one.

  26. Hey Hermit.,..
    I wish the very best of the season for you and yours!

    Merry Christmas...and thanks for coming by today!

  27. Hey Busted...
    The very same to you, buddy! Hope you have a great holiday...

    Merry Christmas!

  28. Merry Christmas and every Blessing of the Season to you and yours!

    I'm sitting here alone on Christmas morning, filled with such happy memories of Christmas' past, and ever so thankful for all my bloggy blessings!

    Happy Birthday, baby Jesus!

  29. Hey Christer...
    A very Merry Christmas to you, buddy! I hope you have a great holiday!

    Thank you so much for coming by today!

    Hey Tatersmama...
    I am so glad to see you this fine day!

    Merry Christmas to you, girl! I do hope all your holiday wishes come true!

    Thanks for coming by!

  30. LOL...(five minutes later), my comment!
    You are 100% correct.
    Merry Christmas Mr. Jim :-)

  31. Hey Diane-Sage...
    I certainly appreciate you coming by!

    May all the spirits that surround you this season be good natured and friendly!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family, my friend!

  32. Hey Stephanie...
    Good to see you again, my friend! It's been a long time...!

    A very Merry Christmas to you and your family!

    Thanks so much for coming by today!
