Friday, January 22, 2010

Another Glass Of Wine...Please !

Since it's looking like Spring here, I thought I would call everyone's attention to the fact that it's St. Vincent's Day.

If you like wine making or wine drinking, then this holiday is tailor-made for you! St. Vincent has a lot to do with the weather lore surrounding the care of vineyards and grapes.

January 22nd is St. Vincent’s Day, the inspiration of much weather lore. On the feast day of this patron of both winemakers and drunkards, no vines could be pruned.

A sunny day signifies “more wine than water” and means that the sap might begin to rise in the branches. Frost on this day presages a delayed crop, whether for wine or rye.

If the Sun shines on St. Vincent's Day, a fine crop of grapes may be expected.

And here you thought it was going to be just another Friday! Well, at least your friend, ol' Hermitjim, has given you just what you always wanted...a legit reason to have some wine! Not that you needed one, but think how wise you'll seem when you raise your glass and make a toast to St. Vincent, patron saint of winemaker and wine drinkers!

Now, let's get some coffee and try out the patio...starting to look like Spring outside!


  1. Bourbon for me. No Saint for that one.

  2. hey Wyn...
    Sorry about that! I thought sure that one was covered!

    Tanks for coming by!

  3. There is too a patron saint of Bourbon - Saint Meleagris Gallopavo (that's "Saint Wild Turkey" to them what don't blather Latin). :-)

    I wonder if there's one for rum...

    Cheers, Mister Hermit, sir!

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  4. Hey K...
    I figured that you would know which saint covered wise little rascal, you!

    You're just a wealth of my kind of information!

    Thanks for the visit!

  5. yw for the link, best deal I found in windpower.

  6. Well, fambly scnchronicity, Uncle Hermit: I knew something prodded me to post about frothy adult beverages yestere'en!!!

    A great Vino Diem to ya, Mr. Hermit, sir!

  7. Hey OGT...
    It's probably about half of what I have been pricing comparable size units at!

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Gygnus...
    Must have been the cheese...or the Spring type weather here!

    Thanks for coming by, buddy!

  8. if i needed another reason to drink...

    ...oh well,traditions are traditions...wheres my corkscrew ?

  9. Bubba - Any excuse for a glass of wine is fine with me, although these days Scotch is preferred (Does St. Patrick cover that, Kyddryn, or is he just for Ireland?). I'll raise my glass tonite in a toast to you and St. Vincent. Cheers, Slainte, and here's to you!

    See you tomorrow, with a new bread and recipe. Hugs -

  10. I think there's a saint for everything. But no wine for me last night, just sleep. Enjoy the coffee!

  11. Hey Ken...
    Sure is good to se you again, buddy! Yeah, we need to do our part to carry on the old traditions, that's for sure!

    I know that a few of my readers, being the nice folks that they are, will help me carry on this one!

    You drink that fancy stuff with a cork? Mine seems to have a screw on cap...sure makes it easier!

    Thanks so much for coming by, my friend!

    Hey Sis...
    I appreciate the toast! I'm sure that St. Vincent appreciates it as well...

    You know me, always willing to try out a new bread! So, bring it on!

    Looking forward to the visit tomorrow...! hey, I appreciate you coming by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Sleep is good! Funny how I didn't discover just how good until I started getting a little older! Guess that's where the "wiser" part comes into play!

    Thank you so much for the visit, it means a lot!

  12. Good Morning My Special One, I'll drink to that, after the storm I road out last night. This little MH was really rocking last night. there were tornado watches and I would gage gust out here of about maybe 70 mph oh what a night. I am waiting to hear if there is any damage to my house. My sister called and said she lost part of her car port, she lives aobut 5 houses down from me. I must have been in a better place. Guess I'll start stabalizing stuff in case I have to pull out today.

  13. Hey JoJo...
    Looks like you picked the right time to head out in the MH. See, it does pay to me mobile sometimes!

    I do hope your house isn't damaged...but the important thing is that you are all right! Wouldn't want anything happening to my sweetie!

    Batten down the hatches...just in case! Thanks for the visit this morning, darlin'

  14. Friends called my house is ok, just some stuff on the porch is all to one end from wind. But lots of nieghbors not so lucky. Right now it is really nice out just some wind maybe more rain later want to go walking and taking some pictures, stretch the legs.Not much stretch room in here I probably have about as much room as Tony even if this is a Class C. Will head home tomorrow.
    but right now pass the pot please.

  15. I guess that means a poor year for the grapes in California. Rain, rain, and more rain.

    I’ll pass on the wine. Turn it into brandy and you have something fit to drink. :)

  16. What a stroke of luck that St Vincent's day fell on a friday. Does Meade count. I have some honey wine. Your pal the Envirocapitalist

  17. Hey Bob...
    Guess you'll have to find a place that has a good stock from the last two years!

    With all the rain California is getting, I'm thing the grapes are going to be mostly water!

    Thanks, Bob, for coming by today!

    Hey R. Gabe...
    Surely Mead would be covered by St Vincent! Like you's nothing but honey wine, right?

    Works for me, anyway!

    Thanks for coming by today!
