Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Need A Grin ? Try This...!

As any cat owner will tell you, cats can and do offer up a wide range of reasons to grin every day!

While these are not my cats, they very well could be. I'm sure that those of you with cats around have seen them in one of these particular positions, or close to it, before!

For instance, nothing like sharing a meal with a close friend and helping them clean up a bit.

And , after a good meal,nothing is better than finding a good spot to stretch a bit...

Maybe find a comfortable spot to just hang out and rest before a big night out with the guys...

Then to go cavorting and cruising with a buddy, maybe do a little singing to impress the ladies in the neighborhood!

And then, back home to get all cleaned up before retiring for a nice, long cat nap...say, about 12 hours or so! Then, we can start all over again, right?

Now, I don't know about you but I think these characters have life all figured out! Someone else furnishes the food and shelter, but in a pinch, Nature has provided them with ample tools to get the job done. Don't believe me? Just think of how many hours they spend making sure that they keep those weapons known as claws sharpened!

Now, my friends, let's get some coffee and sit in the kitchen a bit. Don't worry about waking up the cats...they're dead to the world!


  1. My Feline characters Leo and Sabrina would pitch a fit if put in a sink like that last kitteh - thanks for the smiles there pard and have a great day.

  2. I want to come back as a well-loved cat. After all, I'd be waited on, could sleep all I want, my toilette would be clean, and I could purrrrrrrrr.

  3. Good Morning My Special One, Thanks for the smiles this morning. How I wish I didn't have this alergy problem to cats.They are a great source of entertainment and some of them can be so much comfort.
    Pass the pot please its kind of chilly again, sitting in the kitchen is so nice and cozy on these cold damp days.

  4. Hey Anon 7:07...
    I did have a cat once that liked the water and ued to sleep in the bathroom sink where the water would drip on his head!

    M present two will sit out in the rain, but don't like to get squirted with the water go figure!

    Thanks for the visit toda!

    He Momlady...
    We could certainly come ack as a lot worse things, I'm thinking! I know that mine have it pretty good, that's for sure!

    Hey, thanks for coming by this morning, my friend!

    Hey JoJo...
    A cat would be a perfect roomie for you! They don't mind traveling, don't need much looking after, and respond well to just a little attention!

    Hey, that sounds like me!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming by!

    Hey Wolfdancer...
    Glad you liked it! I really appreciate you coming by today!

  5. I'm not a cat guy, but those pics did make me smile. Thank's for sharing.

    Also thanks for the land info.

    See Ya

  6. Hey Tony...
    Yeah, like cats or not...I think there is a lot of humor in these pics. And we all need a grin once in a while!

    You are most welcome about the land info, buddy! Hope it helps...

    Thanks for the visit today!

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  8. It not only made me smile...but LMAO Too!

  9. Hey, those look like laid-back pusses... Mayhap them and Rook can take in a hockey game some night! HA!

    Nice post, Uncle Jim! The last photo makes me long for a hot tub...

