Sunday, February 14, 2010

Some Valentine Day Thoughts For You...!

Well, it's here! The most celebrated day of lover's everywhere!

This day offers, above all else, hope! Hope for lasting love and better times...

It is this that I wish for all my friends and readers! Peace, joy, and the love of someone special to enjoy them with. Remember the most important thing in our daily lives...HOPE!

Oh, and just one more thing today...I wish for you the greatest of JOY...!

On that note, I offer up some fresh coffee in the kitchen...and help yourself to the fresh oatmeal cookies!


  1. Valentines day has never become anything big here. I sold a few more roses when I had my gardencenter, but barly noticeble. But I do wish the same back to You!
    Have a great day now!

  2. Hey Christer...
    I guess that over here it is a really big thing to a lot of folks...mainly for married or with a steady girl friend!

    Thanks so much for coming by today!

  3. JIM,, you knocked it out of the park this morning!!! Well done!!!!
    and of course I stole your cartoon for use on my blog, but I did give credit to you.

    Stay warm sir.

  4. LMAO HAPPY VALENTINES DAY My Special One. I love your card.
    I will really have to bring the fresh ground coffee to go with the cookies
    and HUGS

  5. Hey Ben...
    Glad you got a kick out of the post today! Seemed appropriate somehow...

    Hey, thanks for coming by today!

    Hey JoJo...
    Glad you liked the little card. Not exactly sweet, but the message is still there, ya know?

    Thanks, Sweetie, for coming by this morning!

  6. Phooey on Valentines Day! My significant other went all out and got me my very own hand-held Bosch sander - so I could sand my rough heels! How's that for romantic, eh? But at least I know that his heart is all mine... and that's a good thing! :-)

    Oatmeal cookies for breakfast...mmmm!
    That kinda makes it sweets from the sweet, doesn't it?

  7. Hey Tatersmama...
    The main thing is that he was thinking about you! Maybe it wasn't the most romantic, but his heart was in the right place!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  8. Hey Bubba,
    Back to you. I love the card!
    Your blog on knitting was interesting. I truly need a hat...not just saying that. I know you always wanted to sew and I will tell everybody what an expert job you did reupholstering a couch one time!
    When you talk about Mom and sisters doing things I want people to know that doesn't mean me. I am the family member with hidden talent. Trouble is, my talent is so well hidden that I can't find it!
    Keep up ALL your good work.
    Love you.

  9. Hey Sis...
    Well, what about needlepoint? You do good work with that!

    What can I say? It's fun...that's the main thing, right?

    Hey, thanks for coming by today!
