Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Let's Get Fat Together...!

This next weekend is one of the biggest of the food holidays as far as "special" foods go.

Everyone has a favorite Easter meal, including all the different meats and sides and, of course...DESSERT!

I have one for you today that I promise will not only fill you up...but will probably add about two or three inches to your waistline!

One good thing about it...it taste GREAT with coffee!


One Stick Margarine
Two Eggs
One Yellow Cake Mix

Combine and spread into a greased 9x13 pan. This mixture will be really thick!

8 ounce cream cheese
Two Eggs
1 pound powdered sugar ( reserve two Tbsp. to sprinkle on top )

Pour on top of first layer and bake at 350 degrees for 40 to 45 minutes. Let cool and refrigerate.

Now, in case you're wondering...the "Tami" on this recipe was one of my ex-wives. Despite her faults, she could really cook! This is a fantastic tasting dessert and believe me...I know desserts pretty well!

Now, let's get some fresh coffee and sit outside for a bit, OK? OK!


  1. Strangly enough I can´t think of any thing special I want at Easter. But I have a friend that makes a wonderful apple pie that would be great to have if possible :-) :-)
    Have a great day now!

  2. Hey Christer...
    Certainly nothing wrong with a good ol' apple pie! That goes pretty good with coffee...especially with some vanilla ice cream.

    Man, now I'm getting hungry again!

    Thanks for the visit today!

  3. Now that sounds good!!!

    Ummmmm...Jim...ONE of your ex-wives?!?!?! Do tell. LOL

    Have a great day!!!

  4. That sounds really good sir - many thanks for the recipe.

  5. Jim, IF I ate cakes or deserts for that matter,I would try that one.
    Sounds pretty simple and Good ,again. IF I ate sweets

  6. Will save your recipe for later - no getting fat here. Tramp 1 will be prepping for a colonoscopy and won't be able to eat anything but jello and broth. So no Easter dinner here since I don't want to torture him with all the great smells of yummy food. I'll have to fill his Easter basket with plastic eggs with no treats!

  7. Hey Cath...
    Yeah...that's a long story that I'll have to tell you someday! Guess I'm just too hard to get along with, ya know?

    I think you'll like this cake, and just don't say I didn't warn ya about the extra calories!

    I do appreciate you dropping by today!

    Hey Anon 7:07...
    Always a pleasure to share with my friends!

    Thanks so much for coming by today!

    Hey Ben...
    Sorry, buddy...didn't know you didn't eat sweets.

    Guess I'll have to eat your share!

    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey 2Tramps...
    You can fix this one at the celebration dinner...after the proceedure!

    Hope all goes well, and sending good thoughts your way!

    Thanks for coming by!

  8. Good Morning My Special One,
    That sounds soooooooo good. Maybe I can whip one up the next time theres a get together.
    WE have had 3 days of 80 degree temps and all the wild flowers are gone. But I'm going anyway.
    Now for some coffee on the patio with my favorite friends.

  9. Hey JoJo...
    Sorry you missed the flowers...but at least you'll get a chance to see the state park, right?

    I'm glad you are joining us on the patio, Sweetie, and glad you came by this morning!

  10. Okay, now that's funny...you...really hard to get along with!? LOL
    I, for one, think you're the sweetest ole hermit around!! Their loss...
    Hugs to yah on this lovely but chilly day!

  11. Mechanic in IllinoisMarch 30, 2010 at 11:24 AM

    Sounds like another super recipe. I'm going to copy it and add it to my mother's recipe collection. Thanks for another great lesson.

  12. Thanks you Uncle Hermit,

    Sounds like something Catman and the Lil'Imp (another of the nicknames I have for my child) would like. I'm keeping it. :)

    Oh yes, I agree with Team Hall, you are one of the sweetest hermits to grace the blogosphere. ((Hermit))


  13. HermitJim said...
    Hey Mayberry...
    You know me, buddy! just a warehouse of almost useless information!

    HJ anyone that plants a seed of(good) thoughts is far from almost useless info. We need to have longer coffee breaks and less TEA parties.

  14. hey Cath...
    I'll take all the hugs I can get, anytime!

    Thanks again!

    Hey Felinae...
    I think the family will like the cake pretty well! never seen too many folks turning it down, ya know?

    I appreciate the kind words today and I thank you for coming by!

    Hey Ted...
    Now, longer coffee breaks I can certainly get behind! Never had long enough coffee breaks when I was working, but I make mine last all day now that I'm retired!

    I do appreciate the visit this morning!

  15. I never thought about (food grade) H2O2 till I read your blog .See you learn something new every day and I'm 75 years old.HJ I'm at the old age of youth and the youth of old age (makes me 3 yrs old)
