Monday, March 15, 2010

Will Shakespeare Said It Best...!

This month is full of significant days, as far as trouble goes!

First, we have the start of DST...then today is the Ides of March! Don't think that this is a bad luck day? Just ask ol' Julius Caesar!

Here are some facts I've picked up in the Farmer's Almanac about the 15TH...

Ides of March

The Ides of March has long been considered an ill-fated day. Julius Caesar was assassinated on March 15, 44 B.C. Historians note that it is likely that a soothsayer named Spurinna had warned Caesar that danger would occur by the ides of March. William Shakespeare included the phrase "Beware the ides of March" in his play Julius Caesar.

The ides were the 15th days of four months (Martius, or March; Maius, or May; Quintilis, or July; and October) in the ancient Roman lunar calendar; they were the 13th in all other months (originally, Aprilis, or April; Iunius, or June; Sextilis, or August; September; November; and December. Ianuarius, or January, and Februarius, or February, were added later).

The word ides comes from the Latin word idus, which is possibly derived from an Etruscan word meaning "to divide." The ides were originally meant to mark the full Moon (the "halfway point" of a lunar month), but because the Roman calendar months and actual lunar months were of different lengths, they quickly got out of step. The ancient Romans considered the day after the calends (first of the month), nones (ninth day before the ides, inclusive), or ides of any month as unfavorable. These were called dies atri.

Guess the lesson for today is just like the "Bard" said..."Beware the Ides of March!"

Now, my friend, let's get some coffee and sit outside a bit. Just have to be careful out today, ya know?


  1. I forgot all about the fact that was today and funny thing is that it was one of my favorive eras in history. Great piece and thanks for reminding me. Going to take my coffee and hide in the closet until the 16th

  2. Hey K.D.Storm...
    Just too much going on to keep up with it all!

    Things gotta settle down soon, right? Right!

    Thanks for the visit today...!

  3. Well, at least it is a gloriously sunny day. K and J came up Saturday evening so J could do some work outside yesterday. Unfortunately the weather did not want to cooperate but J did get a bluebird house put up for me. I'll enjoy watching them from my front porch. Pretty soon I'll be able to enjoy it outside.

  4. Beautiful sunny day, and time to go fishing.

    The ides of March can wait.

    See Ya

  5. That's it, I'm not leaving the house today....

  6. Hey Momlady...
    At least you got one up where you can see it! That's a good thing...!

    Hummingbird feeder time here, and time to get in the planting mode!

    Hope you are ge3tting some good weather soon, my friend! Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Tony...
    Let me grab my pole and I'll tag along with ya on that fishing thing!

    Heck, I'll even bring my own bait!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by!

  7. Hey Mayberry...
    Me and Tony are going fishing...sure you don't want to come along?

    I mean, what can go wrong...? Never mind, I'm staying home as well!

    Thanks for the visit , my friend!

  8. Good Morning My Special One,
    Now I have way to much to do today so what is the antidote for this one. :) Thats for the leason all the same.
    I really need some coffee now to think over my todo list.
    Hugs can't be bad so enjoy.

  9. Hey JoJo...
    Gotta slow down, and don't try to do too much all at once!

    Life's too short to spend it all working or doing stuff on the "list", don't you think?

    Anyway, you have a great day, sweetie, and thanks for coming by this morning!

  10. Mechanic in IllinoisMarch 15, 2010 at 11:38 PM

    It's true. March is a bad month,we all got our Census in the mail today. Everyone needs to read Mayberry's comments in his blog. Thanks for another good lesson.
