Sunday, April 4, 2010

Have A Blessed Easter...!

Here it is...Easter!

To me, this has always arked the beginning of the Spring season! I have to admit that I am more ready for Spring this year than I have been in a long time!

Let me take this opportunity to wish all of my Net friends a very Happy Easter!

Oh, and if you are having an egg hunt...don't forget to have a before and after count! Don't want those missing eggs to start to smell after a while, ya know ?

C'mon, my friends, let's get some fresh coffee. Happy Easter to ya...!


  1. Same back at ya, buddy! Happy Easter!

    Thanks for coming by!

  2. Have a wonderful and blessed Easter Jim. Hope you have a great day.

  3. Run out early and try to catch that Easter Bunny.

    Hope no one slipped a raw painted egg into your basket. :-)

  4. Hey Rae...
    Thank you, my friend...and Happy Easter to you and your family!

    Hey Ben...
    I'm with you on that "no raw eggs" business! Don't want the house smelling too bad!

    Have a good one, buddy!

    Hey Cath...
    Happy Easter to you and the family. I hope the little ones have a lot of fun today...Thank you for coming by!

    Hey Mayberry...
    Happy Easter back at ya, buddy!

    Have a good and safe holiday!

  5. Hey ER...
    Back at ya with a big ol' Happy Easter!

    Take the day off, why don't ya? Hope some body gives you some chocolate of at the very least, some flowering plants for the beds!

    You'd probabl;y like that better than some cut flowers, right?

    Thanks for coming by today!

  6. Happy Easter to you and yours, Uncle Hermit :)


  7. Hey Felinae...
    I appreciate that, my friend!

    And a Happy Easter back at you...!

  8. I hope you have a Blessed and Happy Easter, Mr. HermitJim!
    Now go enjoy those chocolates!!

  9. Hey Catman...
    Many thanks, my friend. Happy Easter to you and thje Mrs. as well!

    Oh, and to the DD as well!

    Thanks for the visit...!

    Hey Tatersmama...
    Thank you for the Easter good wishes, my friend. May the Easter bunny be good to you as well!

    Thank you for coming by today!

  10. HAPPY EASTER MY SPECIAL ONE. WHO made the pretty eggs. Bunny Hugs to you

  11. Hey JoJo...
    I do hope that you have a glorious day and a Happy Easter!

    Thanks, Sweetie, for coming by today!

  12. Hi Jim, heres wishing you a Happy Easter. Glad to see your well and bouncing into spring. I know Im quiet but please dont think Ive abandoned you ;-)


    Just in case you havent managed to find your way to the new blog from the old heres the address

  13. Hey Missi...
    I was wondering where you were! Really is good to see you again, my friend!

    I'm still bouncing around and hanging in there! Always good t have my friends around for support, though!

    Thanks for coming by today...and Happy Easter!

  14. I hope you had a good one, Mister Hermit, sir...the adult denizens of Casa de Crazy invaded Dragon's Rest (Mum's place) for a bit of gardening with Mum, whilst the Evil Genius spent the day with his dad getting sugared up for his return home.

    A good time was had by all.

    Shade and Sweetwater,
