Monday, April 19, 2010

A Night To Remember...!

I'm thinking this might not impress your date the way you wanted!

If nothing else though, it will give them something to talk about for years to come!

Limos Repossessed On Prom Night

Jenks - Students attending their prom at the Oklahoma Aquarium got quite a scare Friday, as an auto repossession company took their limos.

According to Jenks Police, the limos belonged to Galaxy Limousine and Executive Charter. Initially, the limos were reported stolen. Further investigation proved the vehicles were being repossessed.

Crews took at least two limos from the Aquarium.

Galaxy Limo owner Jim Nicolotti said that the whole incident stems from mis-communication between his lender and the repossession company, Chamras Asset Recovery Specialists. He said that he and his bank had worked out their issues, but the bank did not tell CARS to cancel the repo job.

Nicolotti told News Channel 8 via telephone he has documents that show an agreement was reached with the bank, but said he was unable to show them to us or speak on camera until Monday.

He is also working with the customers affected by the repossessions. Nicolotti said he'd be offering a partial refund or a free future rental.

A representative with the Chamras company said they tried to work out an arrangement with the owners of Galaxy but they refused.

Nothing like a little excitement on Prom night!

How about some coffee on the patio? Just keep a watch out for the rain, OK?


  1. Unbelievable. That will be one prom with lasting memories. I sure how the company makes good for those kids and gives them a refund. How awful to have a special night ruined like that.

  2. Good Morning My Special One,
    Limo huh we went in my dates dad's station wagon. Most kids went in their own cars or their parents. Even my kids didn't go in limo's and my granddaughter went in her dates pickup. I guess some chip in to pay but hey going all dressed up was special.It still had to be a scary and unsettleing to have paid for this and then be left with nothing. But these stories are always amusing, How it was worked out with the bank but someone forgot to tell the next one in line.
    Coffee on the patio sounds lovely this morning. I'll bring some fresh ground coffee.

  3. Limo to the prom? Heck, I never even went to a prom. Send a little rain this way, please.

  4. Hey Rae...
    I can only imagine how this night will be remembered in times to come!

    I hope the kids at least had a good time!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey JoJo...
    I certainly didn't get to go in a limo...but I managed to fare ok!

    Noting like a little excitement, huh?

    Sure is good of you to drop by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Just out of curiousity, why didn't you go to the prom? I'm sure there must have been a whole lot of young men lined up to escort you!

    There were kids that came in limos to our prom, but I think it wasn't as big a deal back then as it is now!

    Anyway, we still had fun!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today!

  5. Mechanic in IllinoisApril 19, 2010 at 10:44 AM

    I think that scumbag owner of the limo ought to have his you know whats cut off for zilching those kids on prom night. Partial refund,crap, he should have to treat those kids to another whole night on the town. If it were my kids that owner's limo might end up in the drink with him in it. I probably would of had to pay for the limo in the first place. Thanks for another great lesson.

  6. Poor Kids, what a horrible thing to have happen, but what a tale for the future Grandkids.

    I did not go to my prom, but a lot of the kids that went rented limos.

    Why didn't I go? The guy I had a huge crush on, AJ, didn't ask me, but he told a friend, "Why didn't she ask me? if, she had asked, I would would have said yes." (Ugh!!I'm still kicking myself in the butt for being so shy)

    Have a good day, Uncle Hermit :D

  7. Hey Mechanic...
    from what I understand, this isn't the first time he has done this! Sounds to me like he is over due for a hard taught lesson!

    Bunch of bad folks in this world!

    thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Felinae...
    I think the boy should have asked you! His loss, without a doubt!

    Still... you did OK, I think!

    Hey, I appreciate the visit, my friend!

  8. Me too didn't go to prom.
    Another story for another time.

    I heard some good excuses as to why the kids missed their curfew getting home, but the limo got repoed was never one of them.

    Those kids deserve a full refund.
    take the case to Judge Judy.


  9. Hey Selene...
    I can just imagine how embarrassing it would have been to have to call Mom or Dad to come get me from the prom.

    I hope the kids all still have some fond memories from the night, regardless!

    Hey, I appreciate you coming by today!

  10. Imagine the chagrin of having to call "Uncle Buck" to come to the rescue.........

  11. Hey AV...
    In my day, the prom was a big thing mainly because it marked the official graduation rites. Also, it was a good excuse for a party!

    I do appreciate you coming by today!

    Hey Angrywhiteman...
    It might put a little tarnish on the girlfriend's image of her date, for sure!

    hope wh ever they called at least had a decent ride!

    Thanks for coming by today!
