Wednesday, April 7, 2010

You Ought To Check This Out...!

I thought that this letter was important enough to share with you!

The comments made by the senator show just how unconcerned with the public view of them that they are. I agree with this letter 100%...!

Do you remember the scene? The Senate. Barbara Boxer hearing from a Brigadier General? Silly General! He addresses Barbara as "Ma'm", and she CORRECTS him, telling him she's "worked SO hard to earn the title, "Senator", so please use that when speaking to her.

Read the letter sent to Sen. Barbara Boxer from an Alaskan Airlines pilot below. Many of us witnessed the arrogance of Barbara Boxer on June 18, 2009 as she admonished Brigadier General Michael Walsh because he addressed her as "ma'am" and not "Senator" before a Senate hearing.

This letter is from a National Guard aviator and Captain for Alaska Airlines named Jim Hill. I wonder what he would have said if he were really angry. Long fly Alaska !!!!!

You were so right on when you scolded the general on TV for using the term, "ma'am," instead of "Senator". After all, in the military, "ma'am" is a term of respect when addressing a female of superior rank or position. The general was totally wrong. You are not a person of superior rank or position. You are a member of one of the world's most corrupt organizations, the U.S. Senate, equaled only by the U.S. House of Representatives.

Congress is a cesspool of liars, thieves, inside traders, traitors, drunks (one who killed a staffer, yet is still revered), criminals, and other low level swine who, as individuals (not all, but many), will do anything to enhance their lives, fortunes and power, all at the expense of the People of the United States and its Constitution, in order to be continually re-elected. Many democrats even want American troops killed by releasing photographs. How many of you could honestly say, "We pledge our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor"? None? One? Two?

Your reaction to the general shows several things. First is your abysmal ignorance of all things military. Your treatment of the general shows you to be an elitist of the worst kind. When the general entered the military (as most of us who served) he wrote the government a blank check, offering his life to protect your derriere, now safely and comfortably ensconced in a 20 thousand dollar leather chair, paid for by the general's taxes. You repaid him for this by humiliating him in front of millions.

Second is your puerile character, lack of sophistication, and arrogance, which borders on the hubristic. This display of brattish behavior shows you to be a virago, termagant, harridan, nag, scold or shrew, unfit for your position, regardless of the support of the unwashed, uneducated masses who have made California into the laughing stock of the nation.

What I am writing, are the same thoughts countless millions of Americans have toward Congress, but who lack the energy, ability or time to convey them. Regardless of their thoughts, most realize that politicians are pretty much the same, and will vote for the one who will bring home the most bacon, even if they do consider how corrupt that person is. Lord Acton (1834 - 1902) so aptly charged, "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

Unbeknownst to you and your colleagues, "Mr. Power" has had his way with all of you, and we are all the worse for it.

Finally Senator, I, too, have a title. It is "Right Wing Extremist Potential Terrorist Threat." It is not of my choosing, but was given to me by your Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano. And you were offended by "ma'am"?

Have a fine day. Cheers!
Jim Hill
16808 - 103rd Avenue Court East
South Hill , WA 98374

Feel free to check out this letter and the author on Snopes...I did! Genuine! Says a lot, don't you think?

Now, let's get some coffee and sit outside. That's enough politics for today...!


  1. Let's all send those bastards on The Hill a length of piano wire and this photo:

  2. Hey Catman...
    That may not be a bad idea...!

    Thanks for the visit today!

  3. Hooray for this man and his gumption! He obviously has more class and education than "Babs." I had to look up a few of the choice words he used to describe her! Think it registered anywhere in her gray matter? Hell no! People like her are oblivious to the affects of ANY of their insane actions.

  4. Hey Treesong...
    Would that more people would openly challenge some of these "A-holes" in the same fashion as this man did.

    He calls her out, but does it in such a way that she would probably not even understand that she was being lectured or corrected. She probably didn't even understand what he was saying!

    What can we do? We are surrounded by them, and they won't go away unless we give them their walking papers...

    Hey, thanks for coming by this morning!

  5. Wow!!! You go, Mr. Hill!!!! That was awesome!! Geez, Jim, I'm all fired up now...and I'm not even American! LOL

    Have a grand day, sir!!

  6. Way to go Jim Hill.It wont matter to them.


  7. Good Morning My Special One, I remember reading this once before. Good for Jim Hall. It is a good thing for women to get positions in high places as long as they don't get high on themselves and she is. And Janet what the hell is she all about? The Illegal problem it getting worse down here and now they are killing innocent people.
    Ok lets sit and have us some coffee on the patio.

  8. I wish I had his gumption. I'm afraid I wouldn't have put it so politely, though. Undoubtedly she wouldn't have a clue as to how to look up the words he used. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Hey Cath...
    Doesn't really matter what country you're from, as far as being rude and disrespectful to someone.

    Somebody needs to take this lady (and I use the term loosely) out behind the woodshed and tech her some proper manners!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today!

    Hey China...
    Good to see you, buddy! You're right, these people don't care about the "little guy" and that will be the downfall of many of them come election time!

    After all, such arrogance must be rewarded properly, don't you think?

    I appreciate you coming by today!

    Hey JoJo...
    Sorry to hear that the problem is getting worse there!

    It probably won't improve until the people decide that they have had enough and take matters into their own hands! Of course, that's when the government will finally step in...against the citizens!

    Thanks for coming by, sweetie!

    Hey Momlady...
    I don't know if I could be so eloquent in putting my thought into words, but this gentleman certainly has my attention and my thanks!

  10. Mechanic in IllinoisApril 7, 2010 at 10:53 AM

    All polliticans use the same tactic,shift the focus. I have a feeling the "senator" was feeling the stress from facing a general and had to shift the focus or face the music. Lord help us to have a politican give thanks where deserved. Anyway way to go Jim Hall,and thanks for another great lesson.

  11. Hey Mechanic...
    You would think that being in a position of "Power", she should be used to at least a public appearance of courtesy...but then, if she were a good person...she would just resign!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today!

  12. Well HJ you did it again you just built more fire under the TEA BAGGERS.For me I'm just gona relax and go take me a good long COFFEE BREAK.But I'm sure not gona quit voting.Maybe one of these days we will get it right.To me it looks as if things are slowly making a turn to the good.I sure do not want it to go back like it was.No real American wants our sons and daughters in harms way.

  13. Hey Ted...
    I'm always in favor of more and longer coffee breaks! As you may have noticed I do like my coffee!

    Hopefully, sooner or later we will get it together and get the right folks in office...MAYBE!

    The main thing is, we have to keep trying!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today, Ted!

  14. I love it when the high and mighty get taken down a peg or two. That was brilliant.

