Monday, May 3, 2010

A Cause For Celebration...!

This following story from the Houston Chronicle is one that can't help but make me grin!

When we think we have seen a lot of trials and hard times in our lives, it would behoove us to visit with and talk to some of these folks. I can only imagine what a wealth of stories they could pass down to us...if we would only take the time to listen!

Gathering of Houston's 100-year-olds could set world record

There were more than 104,754 centenarians in the United States on Nov. 1, 2009, according to U.S. Census Bureau estimates.

Results of the 2010 Census should reveal the number of 100-year-olds in Texas down to the city level, according to the Texas State Data Center.

In the meantime, Clarewood House is hosting a celebration of centenarians from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. on June 17. The Houston facility at 7400 Clarewood Drive has its own incredible number of residents who have to use all 10 fingers to count the decades of their lives.

"Celebrating a Century of Sunrises" will honor folks from across the Houston area who have three-digit ages or will turn 100 this year.

The annual "Over 90" party at Clarewood House on Aug. 21, 2009, paid special tribute to residents 100 or older. The retirement community and nursing home may have Houston's richest concentration of the super-old. On hand were centenarians Sylvia Burr, Thelma Royalty, Mary Kerley and Selma Dawson. Burr, left, died in September at 106, and Royalty, 105, passed away this month.

Area retirement homes and convalescence centers are encouraged to bring residents who belong to the centenarian club.

The United States and Japan have the largest concentrations of 100-year-olds. Centenarians are among the fastest-growing groups in the nation and worldwide, thanks to improved nutrition and health care. By 2050, the United States is expected to have 601,000 people who are at least 100 years old and there will be nearly 6 million "veterans of life" on Earth.

Because the Clarewood event could become the largest gathering of 100-year-olds in history, organizers have notified Guinness World Records. And because this rare occasion could lead to a "Hallmark moment," the nation's largest greeting card manufacturer — founded a century ago in 1910 — has been invited.

Invitations also have been extended to houses of worship, Gov. Rick Perry, Mayor Annise Parker and other dignitaries. Also asked the attend: the Boy Scouts of America — another organization celebrating its centennial this year — and Willard Scott, who continues to wish centenarians "Happy Birthday" on the air, even though he's no longer the weatherman on NBC's Today show.

Clarewood could throw a well-attended party even if guests didn't show up. At last count, six residents were at least 100 and five more are 99. (Since January, three centenarians have passed away.)

I've said this before...and I'm sure that these folks would be among the first to agree, that it isn't necessarily the quantity of your years, but instead the quality of your years that makes everything worth while!

Why not take the time to visit with an elderly friend or neighbor, just to let them know that they are not forgotten?

Who knows, someday we all might be looking forward to a visit from someone...just to tell us "Hello..."!

Now, how about some coffee on the patio this fine morning? Already in the 80's, but the roses smell great!


  1. Well hell! It was probably some young chick who thought this was a great idea. I say: let the centenarians REST. Just imagine the many scenes of getting each one 'up and at it' to attend this wonderful occasion.
    A better idea is for those who organized this event is to get their energetic asses over there and visit each of these aged souls, take their picture and bundle them all together for a news article. Ain't that what the occasion is about anyway?

    Maybe others won't see it as I do but I see elderly all the time struggling to get from car to door to see the doctor...keep 'em alive, keep that money rolling in!

    I just find it hard to believe some stupid Organizers!

    Signed anonymous for I'm old, tired and techy and can't handle flackback. As with the oldest citizens: Leave me alone and let me rest, then die in peace; as with most, say hello (not that I may even comprehend)/or not and get the hell out. I am most interested in putting my head under the pillow and sleep. Where will I be 20 years from now?...the same position as the centenarian.

  2. If Obamacare goes through there may not be that many cetenarians. Personally I don't know if I want to live that long.

  3. Hey Anon 7:32...
    I think that letting the ones that want to, go to the event.

    Like you, I just want to be mainly left alone. No crowds, no parties, and certainly no " press occasion"!

    My Mom, who is in her 80's...goes to one of the local nursing homes and calls bingo for the residents every Friday! They look forward to that a lot!

    As I stated in the post, just an occasional visit would be nice. A card, a call, something...not done for the press but for the elderly!

    No flak from me today...after all, we all have our own way of dealing with the fact that with our advanced age comes restrictions in our ability to get around, or our desire to even attend something like this.

    I hope you have a great day, and thanks for taking the time to come by this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    We "old folks" may have to all come over to your neck of the woods and hide out!

    Like I said..."not the quantity, but the quality that counts!"

    Thanks, my friend, for coming by today!

  4. Mechanic in IllinoisMay 3, 2010 at 10:37 AM

    These are the people that built this great nation and we to thank them personally. There should be a nation visit the senior citizens day. They have the most seniority and deserve the recognition. Thanks for another great lesson.

  5. Hey Mechanic...
    Things were sure different when we were younger! I can remember that my parents would make a special effort to go visit wth our older relatives fairly often, never forgot a card or call on their birthday, and even visited with the elderly neighbors in the neighborhood!

    Shame that the more advanced we get, the less personal things seem to become!

    Hey, thanks for coming by, buddy!

  6. I'd love to sit with coffee & enjoy the roses but the drive is just a bit to much. Worked in a nursing home in South Dakota (in the late 80s) it was a real pleasure to hear the old folks talk about their growing up years as the children of pioneers, figuring out who was who by towns & schools that no longer exist but in memory - it isn't easy to step into a home but well worth the effort.

  7. Hey Stephanie...
    Good to see you again! Yep, it's a stretch from your place to my patio, but we can welcome you in spirit!

    Hearing the old stories can help not only the listener, but the teller as well! Recalling some pleasant memories an help to brighten the day of a lot of old timers sometimes!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today, girl!
