Monday, June 14, 2010

Flag Day...2010 !

Today, as I'm sure that most of you know, is Flag Day!

In times as troubled as those we face now, it is important to continue to uphold and carry on the old traditions. I'm sure that nearly everyone reading this is aware of the history of the flag and the traditions surrounding it, but let's just go over it one more time, OK?

What we know fondly as the “Stars and Stripes” was adopted by the Continental Congress as the official American flag on June 14, 1777, in the midst of the Revolutionary War. Colonial troops fought under many different flags with various symbols and slogans—rattlesnakes, pine trees, eagles, “Don’t Tread on Me,” “Liberty or Death,” and “Conquer or Die,” to name a few.

The first flag had 13 stars on a blue field and 13 alternating red and white stripes for the 13 original colonies. Now there are 50 stars, one for each state in the Union, but the 13 stripes remain. Flag Day was first celebrated in 1877, on the flag’s 100th birthday.

Here are some Dos and Don'ts regarding the flag, just in case!

Now, my friends, there is fresh coffee on the patio if you would like some. Always free...!


  1. Morning,'s ready early! Great minds (like ours) must think alike cause I just posted info about Flag Day on our blog...can't share info enough, I guess. Thanks for your comments too, always worth another read.

    BTW those showers we were supposed to get Sunday never came - just lots of heat & humidity - temp about 90 and heat index 100.2.

    Needless to say the AC went on!
    have a great day. Coffee is ready here too.

  2. Wonder how many younger people know what the day means.

  3. Thanks for the reminder,but I had noted on my desktop calendar and put mine out at official sunrise.I do need to get a new flag pole for the front yard this time., The one out back I converted to hold my weather station and don't think it would hold the flag also.. Ring now it's flying on the front porch pole.

  4. Good Morning My Special One
    Just ran out and put up the Flag.Lots of Flags around the park. Lots of VFW and other groups here.
    I will bring some fresh ground coffee to the patio this morning.
    posted yesterday

  5. Hey Beatrice...
    Sorry you didn't get any of the rain, hope you didn't need it too badly!

    Weather is so screwed up right now...can't tell what is coming next!

    I saw the flag info you posted. Like you said...never can put it out there often enough. It's a shame that we have to remind some people, but that's the way it goes, I guess!

    Tanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    So good to see you this morning! I hope the back is doing better!

    I don't imagine many of the young folks now days know much about the history of the flag or the care of it! That's a shame, too!

    Guess it's up to us ol' well seasoned folks to pass the info on!

    Thanks for coming by today...and have a glorious day!

    Hey Ben...
    The main thing is that you have one flying, buddy! Of course, I just knew you would!

    Do you buy a flag pole already made? Probably good if you could have someone put it in as well!

    Thanks for the visit today, my friend!

    Hey JoJo...
    I never doubted for a minute that you would have your flag out flying!

    Glad to hear that you have a large group of patriots there! I think that's a good thing!

    Good to see you, sweetie! Thanks for coming by today!

  6. Mechanic in IllinoisJune 14, 2010 at 1:55 PM

    I donated to the Legion yesterday and got six little flags. They're all in our cars today.

  7. Hey Mechanic...
    Good for you, my friend! Never hurts to support a good cause, and if you get a flag in the process...all the better!

    You have a good day, and thank you for coming by today!

  8. Flag Day, and the birthday of my all time favorite teacher, Mrs Anderson.
    Third Grade, made such an impact on my life.

    She taught us to stand straight and tall during the Pledge of Allegiance, to sing America the Beautiful, God Bless America.
    We memorized part of the National
    Anthem too.

    She told us the history of our great flag, the stories about it, what the colors stood for, I have never forgotten what she taught us, and the pride she instilled in us to be Americans.

    One great teacher, one great lady, and the most inspirational teacher I have ever known.

    Every Flag Day is doubly special for me.


  9. Hey Selene...
    We all need a teacher like that in our lives, that's for sure! I think it's great that you had just such a teacher and that you can attribute so much to her!

    Thank you for sharing this with us...and thank you for the visit today!

  10. I proudly flew my flag from the front porch ... and got my geraniums ripped out for my effort. Seems like there are folks in my neighborhood that just don't like the American flag. Or maybe it's the fact that I'm proud to be an American??
    That's easily solved though. I'll just move back to the US, where I can fly my flag freely - and with pride!!
