Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day...!

Even though my own dad has been gone for a very long time, I still have many fond memories of him.

Like most, I can think of so many things I wish I would have said while he was here. I still say them, hoping that somehow he hears them and knows what's in my heart!

If I can be just half the man my Father was...then I would consider that to be a wonderful tribute to him. There is no way I could ever fill his shoes, but just maybe I can follow down the path he showed me while he was here in person.

I'm sure that he will always whisper in my ear and in my heart, showing me the way!

Now, my friends, let's get some fresh coffee and sit outside for a bit! Happy Father's Day!


  1. Good morning, Jim, Those were wonderful sentiments both in the comments and the film - great way to start this 100th celebration of Father's Day, Grenville an I send best wishes for a very Happy Dad's day to you, our blogger friend. Enjoy the day!

  2. Hey Beatrice...
    Your kind words are well received and much appreciated, my friend!

    I hope this day brings pleasant thoughts and blessings to you and Grenville, and that that you have a wonderful day!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    It has been one year this month since I lost my father. And I still remember the strength you sent my way and all the friends from your blog.
    Again I thank you all and you most my Special Friend.
    Have a wonderful day. Hugs to you.

  4. Hey JoJo...
    That's what friends are for, sweetie! Even though it was a sad time, it did allow you and I to get better acquainted with one another...and that was a good thing!

    I do hope you have a great day, and I appreciate the fact you could stop by today!

    Thank you for stopping by, sweetie!

  5. Mechanic in IllinoisJune 20, 2010 at 11:19 AM

    Happy Father's Day Jim and everyone else.I like you lost my father along time ago. Thank God he used our time together wisely kicking me in the butt everytime I needed it which was alot. I have to go,the barbecue is waiting. Thanks for another great lesson.

  6. Thanks Jim, and back at'cha my friend. I had to work today, but that's how the ball bounces.

  7. Happy late father's day to you sir! Hope it was a great day for you. Kind of jealous of people with good fathers as my own dad has not been that to me--more an example of what not to do. My husband, on the other hand, is a great dad for our kids--sure blessed to have him to celebrate the day with. :)
