Sunday, August 22, 2010

Now This Is A Big Cat...!

Normally when someone says "big cat", our first thought is something like a lion or tiger.

However, this particular cat is of the house cat variety! As such, I would say that it's definitely a really big cat! I'm glad I don't have to pay the food bill of a pet like this!

Fat cat gets photo in 'Ripley's Believe It or Not'

The new Ripley's Believe It or Not! title, Enter If You Dare!, includes an entry on a weight loss clinic for pets. Sounds like a great concept for the TV series.

In 2009, the People's Dispensary for Sick Animals started a fat-fighting club for animals with weight problems, and Socrates the cat was one of nine chosen animals.

The fat cat from Newcastle, England, loves to eat cheese-and-onion potato chips and weighs a massive 22 lb. This is more than double his ideal weight and makes him "morbidly obese."

Now, I feed my cats pretty well. In fact, sometimes I feel that they eat better than I do.Lucky for me, neither of them seem to like potato chips and, judging from the above photo, that's probably a good thing!

As long as they stay out of my coffee and my chocolate...we'll get along just fine!

Now, let's get some coffee ad sit in the kitchen for a bit! Too hot to be outside!


  1. Oh my goodness! that is one big kitty!

    Our cats eat good too, but I hope they never eat that good.

    We do have to keep an eye on Mitty though, because he will eat most anything and everything, including drinking coffee and eating chocolate.

    Have a good day, Uncle Hermit

  2. That was a big, fat cat! I wonder why the owners lets it go so far? I only wish I kept myself in such a good condition as I keep my animals in :-) :-) :-)

    Have a great day now!

  3. Hi Jim,
    Shamefully I have to admit I have an 18.5 pounder. Guess I'm going to have to start restricting him or he'll be a contender for a fat clinic. Loved the post!

  4. I guess when Socrates goes out to play all the cats and dogs run away.

  5. Dang, I would hate to clean his litter box. . .

  6. Hey Felinae...
    For whatever reason, my two are not the least bit interested in coffee or in cholate!In fact, both are a little picky about what they eat, except for birds and lizards! Those they will jump on with wild abandon and devour!

    Their favorite thing right now seems to be melted ice cream, but they don't get that very often...

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Christer...
    Looking at the pictures on your site, both your dogs seem to be in great shape!

    I know what you mean about taking better care of the pets than ourselves! I guess we are al guilty of that at one time or another.

    Hey, thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Kathie...
    That's a pretty big cat you have, but I guess that as long as they are active, they're fine!

    At least you have some good vets living close by, right?

    I sure do appreciate you coming by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Probably the small children run away as well!

    You have a great day, and thanks for coming by!

  7. Hey Dizzy...
    I hadn't thought of that, but I think it's a job I wouldn't want either!

    Certainly it must be bigger that the average box, don't you think?

    I appreciate the visit today!

  8. I wonder of that can't people friends know that onions will kill a cat. Even the small quantaties used to flavor chips. And that's not counting the effects of being the size of a Buick!


  9. I mean... "that cat's people friends".

  10. Mechanic in IllinoisAugust 22, 2010 at 11:39 AM

    My mother-inlaw has a tuxedo cat close to that size. She feeds him by hand. The rest of us serve ourselves. Thanks for another great lesson.

  11. Hey Ashley...
    So far, it hasn't seemed to have any ill effects on him. Guess he would know not to eat something that's harmful.

    Thanks for the visit.

    Hey Mechanic...
    Yep, some folks are pretty overboard with their pets! Whatever floats their boat, I guess!

    Thanks, my friend, for coming by today!

  12. I have seen some american tabbies weighing 18 pounds in fighting trim, so I am surprised that 22 pounds is that unsual.

    I am guessing that 18 pounds in the wild is pretty near a max size for the predatory nitch that cats fill. Much bigger than that and they would be too slow to get away from the various dogs, foxes, etc, that would be after them.

  13. Hey Russell...
    I think it's because of them being mostly thought of as an indoor cat that makes them so unusual.

    Probably more of them around than we know about!

    Thanks for the visit today!

  14. Hi HermitJim, I'm running behind in blog reading this weekend as Grenville and I spent Sat cleebrating our anniversary! So I have a good reason. I think that British cat may be eating too much fish and chips...saving the chocolate and caffeine for us humans!

  15. hey Beatrice...
    I'd say your anniversary is certainly more important, by far!

    I hope you're right about him leaving the chocolate and coffee alone, because I think that a cat that sizer could put a really big dent in my stash!

    Thanks for coming by...and happy anniversary!

  16. I tawt I taw a freakn big putty tat!!! Ahhhhhh!

    Now wouldnt you just love to be fighting this for your keyboard Jim :-D

    Keep smiling :-D

  17. Hey Missi...
    I'm afraid that this is one fight for the keyboard that I might lose!

    So, have you made the move back home yet? Sort of lost touch with you lately. I hope that all is going well, my friend!

    Thank you so much for coming by today!

  18. Omigosh, our cat Leo weighs 16 pounds right now, he needs to go on a diet if 22 is morbidly obese.

    Many years ago, saw a HUGE white cat at a Half Price bookstore in San Antonio. He HAD to go better than 22 pounds, but he didn't look fat, just . . . MAGNIFIED! One big a$$ cat.

  19. Awww... isn't he just gorgeous? >^..^<

    I've got 7 cats, and only one of them is overweight (19.5 lbs). 2 cans of catfood divided 7 ways isn't a whole lot when you think about it, (1 in the morning, 1 at night) yet 6 of the kitties are in perfect shape, and only the one is as big as a bucket.
    Of course she's blind, spayed and she doesn't get much exercise,
    but the vet said not to worry about it.

  20. people do not eat chips, this cat is so put on weight because of them
