Friday, September 17, 2010

Armed And Really Dangerous...!

You have to ask yourself just why this guy is allowed to carry a gun!

I also question why he is allowed to drive a car! I know that I don't want this guy anywhere near my neighborhood, especially if he is wearing a gun! This whole story is disturbing to me on so many levels!

You know, here in Texas and many other states that have a large hunting population, even the youngest of hunters are taught where the kill shots are, and that is usually not from an up close and personal, but from some distance away.

I cannot believe that this guy can't tell the difference of "behind the shoulder" and in the stomach! Why didn't he just shoot the deer in the head?

Fla. deputy had to shoot injured deer 17 times

GAINESVILLE, Fla. -- A sheriff's deputy in Gainesville had to fire 17 shots to put down a deer hit by a car. The Alachua sheriff's department said the deputy was "horrified" by what happened Wednesday, and would be referred to a victim advocate.

The deputy didn't know where to shoot the animal, so he called a superior. The sergeant said to aim for the heart, behind the deer's shoulder. Instead, the deputy fired repeatedly into the stomach until the animal died.

The sheriff's department said the deputy did nothing wrong and won't be reprimanded. They now plan to train patrol staff to quickly kill a distressed animal that can't be saved, The Gainesville Sun reported.

Now the department is going to pay to send this poor slob to counseling? Because he is stupid and has his feelings hurt? Because he tortured a poor animal , already in distress, to death by shooting it in the stomach 17 times?

What this fool needs is to have his gun permit revoked, his badge removed, and a little time behind bars for animal cruelty! The Sheriff's department needs to accept responsibility for having such an inept, and badly trained character on their staff!

I wouldn't want this person any where near me, especially if I had a medical emergency! Suppose he called for assistance, and they told him to administer mouth to you think he could find the right end?

Now, my friends, let's get some fresh coffee and sit outside for a bit. Think I might have to add a shot of "snake bite medicine" to mine after reading about all these "Armed and Dangerous" folks out there!


  1. One shot/one kill!
    And this guy wears a badge?
    (I'd guess he was trained in the polish Army)..

  2. Hey Northwoods...
    Kinda makes you wonder where he was trained, if he was ever!

    Even a dimwit should be able to do better than 17 shots, don't you think?

    I'm not going hunting with him...that's for sure! Must have trained with Dick Cheny!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  3. I think the only excuse would be if he panicked. But, who wants a policeman who would panic due to having to kill a wounded animal?

  4. That defies belief. How can anyone be THAT dumb? Oh, I don't mean the policeman, no the recruiting and training officers. They need to be held accountable for the fact that this guy was even shown a uniform; and they let him put it on... Defies belief.


  5. For dang sure I ain't going hunting with him!!!.. Hell I ain't even going to Gainesville

    Think he needs to learn Gun Control!!!

  6. I'm not a hunter, but even I know where to shoot a wounded animal in order to stop its suffering.

  7. Maybe it only took 17 shots because he ran out of ammo????

  8. A story around here goes that a deer was hit and an county sherriff deputy called. He emptied his clip the deer expired and the guys had the deer processed, not one slug or hit was found in the deer. I wasn't there but I trust the guy that told the tale. 'Nam combat vet; experienced hunter and shooter and he says he was there.

  9. Hey Clandreya...
    Excellent point! I really think this guy might want to find another line of work!

    Glad it wasn't a bad guy he was shooting at!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey AV...
    I can only imagine what their training program must be! Maybe they train with paint ball guns...!

    Someone should have to answer for this one, for sure!

    Thanks, my friend, for coming by today!

    Hey Ben...
    That would seem like a good area to avoid! Like you, I don't want him as a hunting partner!

    I would agree that some training should be first and foremost on the agenda fo this guy!

    I appreciate the visit today, buddy!

    Hey Momlady...
    My point exactly! Nearly all responsible folks that handle fire arms are taught these things at an early age...just in case!

    Hunter or not, he should have known better!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    That could very well be! It does make you wonder, doesn't it?

    The old days of one shot, one kill are definitely gone !

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by today!

    Hey C57...
    That's pretty good shooting, if you can empty your clip into an animal and then have him processed without finding a single hit or round in the deer, wouldn't you say?

    The whole story makes me think that more range time is needed for the shooter! Just my opinion, of course!

    Thank you for dropping in today!

  10. ....and nobody jumps my keister for doin' the old habit of "clip" vs "Magazine"... Vunderbar!!!

  11. Good Morning My Special One
    How sad that the poor thing had to suffer for so long. I even know how to put an animal out of pain. And I don't hunt either.

  12. Hey JoJo...
    Yep, the animal suffering is the worse part of the whole story! Very un-necessary, indeed!

    Not a pleasant thing to hear about!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming by today!

  13. Puts me in mind of a case awhile back wherein several police officers fired over 50 shots at a guy and managed to hit him in the hand once. They did manage to hit several nearby houses though. Apparently they just sprayed the area and hoped for the best.

  14. Hey Bob...
    Pretty sad, isn't it? You would think that personal pride would make them want to do better!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today!

  15. I can only agree with You! I´m not a hunter but I sure know where the heart is!
    Have a great day now!

  16. Hey Christer...
    I'm sure that hunter or not, most of us agree that the animal should have been dispatched a lot more humanely!

    A story like this makes me very upset, if only because of the suffering cause by lack of training!

    Thanks so much for coming by today for a visit!

  17. So, there's this woman from somewhere hereabouts who went hunting with her husband in Canada, and shot and killed him, "thinking it was a bear". She's on trial in Newfoundland for murder right now. I'm a card carrying member of the NRA, but there are some people who shouldn't be allowed to consume oxygen, much less carry a dangerous item like a gun or even a ballpoint pen.

  18. Hey Marjie...
    You have to wonder just how some of these folks managed to make it this long alive!

    Talk about being a threat to themselves and others (specially others)...!

    Scary world out there, my friends!

    hey, thanks for coming by today!

  19. Gary Near Death ValleySeptember 17, 2010 at 4:26 PM

    One time on an emergency fire department call, a motorcylist had hit a horse on a rural road. Even though the person on the motorcycle had a helmet on, he was deceased at the scene. The horse was standing next to the road in total shock, as it was missing a leg. A county sheriff showed up at the scene and after a bit, pulled out his revolver to put the horse down. Four (4) shots later, the horse was still standing and a volunteer fire guy that was also a butcher arrived, and after chewing the cop out, told him where to shoot the horse. One shot and the horse went down. So it happens.

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  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Made me think of this 90 year old lady that got a bad report from her Docter.She desided to end it all by shooting herself.But she was not sure where her heart was so she called her Doctor and ask. He told her it was right under her left breast .She shot herself in the left leg right above the knee.

  23. Hey Ted...
    You just never know what folks are thinking! Lots of pain involved for being a bad shot!

    People are all going a little crazy! Wonder what's going on?

  24. What an idiot, you would think they would teach that in what ever school they go to! Shame on him.
