Wednesday, September 22, 2010

We Have Lost A Dear Friend...!

Tony has passed on! He was a friend and a very special person to many of us!

I ask that you all go to this link and read the notice from his family!

My Road to Freedom: DID IT MY WAY has passed on 7-29-2010

God Bless, my friend! You will be missed!


  1. Hey Felinae...
    Yes, he will be missed! Hell, I miss him already!

    Thanks for the visit, my friend!

  2. Yes, he will be sorely missed. I will try to remember what he taught me and try to do better because of him.

  3. Hey YOF...
    Right you are, buddy! A true man's man, and a true stand up guy!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  4. Good Morning My Special One
    Tony, was so happy to be rid of the material things in life, Its a lesson we all need to listen to and follow. Don't wait to long to follow your dreams. WE can make them come true. Enjoy you life don't let the small stuff beat you down. Get out there and chase life. Some of us may not be able to do long term but do something that makes you happy. Don't sit around and let the grass grow under your feet.

  5. ...sad times for us,we lost a Brother,maybe he'll put in a good word for us to The Almighty...

  6. I´m sorry to read that many of You here has lost a good friend! I have never read his blog myself though.

  7. Hey JoJo...
    He was happy doing what he wanted to do, and was quick to encourage others to do the same!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Ken...Guess it's true that you just never know when your time is up!

    Hate to see the brother gone...!

    Thanks for dropping in!

  8. I didn't know Tony but if was a friend of yours Jim, he was a friend of mine. Rest in peace Tony.

  9. Hey Christer...
    He was a good man and his absence will be felt!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Catman...
    Exactly, my man! That about says it all!

    Thanks for the visit!

  10. Hey Survival Chick...
    Yes, it is indeed!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  11. Wondered what happened to him, why no more posts.
    Such a sadness. He is definitely missed.

  12. Hey Selene...
    Feel as though I lost a member of my family!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  13. It's not very often that I find myself missing someone that I have never met, but it really happens. I always did enjoy Tonys no bullshit ways of saying what he wanted to say. I will truly miss hearing from him on here.

  14. I never saw his blog before, but reading the first page of posts, I can understand what a guy he was. Wish I had seen his blog earlier, his love of life and guns is something I can understand.

    Condolences to all here who knew or "knew" him.

