Friday, October 8, 2010

Off To See The Wizard...!

Well, I'm off to the V.A. today to have a pre-op discussion with the eye doctor at the eye clinic there!

I'm supposed to have the cataract surgery on the 20th, and this is hopefully the last meeting I'll have to have before they do the operation!

I'm not worried about the procedure, but it really is a lot of prep work before. That's the way it is with all paperwork, I guess, especially when dealing with a government agency!

I'm looking forward to being able to see clearly again! It's getting harder and harder to see the words on the lap-top screen and to be able to keep up with the daily blogging! That's one reason for the really bad post as of late!

Anyway, just wanted to let you all know why I didn't post anything but a short message today! Sorry about that, I really will try and do better!

offee is in the back...but you all knew that, right? Help yourselves!


  1. HJ, you faithful followers, including me, will certainly understand if you're not able to read or post blogs. The most important thing is to take care of yourself and get better. We will be here waiting when you return. Take good care.

  2. All my best, but shoot, with today's advances in eye surgery,, you'll be back in full swing and blogging your heart in no time.

  3. No problem with short post, hope everything goes smooth as silk. Like hearing, good vision is a blessing.

    Have a great weekend.

  4. Good luck with all the paperwork. Looking forward to hearing that your eyesight is soooooo much better.

  5. My dearly beloved has the beginnings of cataracts. Hope yours are resolved soon!

  6. Mechanic in IllinoisOctober 8, 2010 at 9:43 AM

    Good luck and we'll talk when you get back.

  7. Good luck, hope your peepers are up to the task of sniping after the operation!

    Otherwise, you'll have to change the name of your blog to "Coffee with Mr. Magoo"! J/K!

  8. Good Morning My Special One
    Paper work, and more paper work. But when its done you will see so much better. You I have so many people who have had it done and are thrilled the world they can now see clearly again. You know I will be with you in spirit

  9. Don't worry about the short post Jim! No problemo! Hope your surgery goes well and with little aggravation.

  10. Good luck with all paper work and later on the surgery! As You know You´ll be able to see really good almost directly after it is done :-)

    Have a great day now!

  11. I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

    God Bless You ~Ron

  12. Jim, I had both eyes done early this summer, just after I got back from my Terlingua trip. They did them 4 weeks apart and the actual operation lasted 7 minuites. No pain involved, and you can drive the next day. I can't remember when I could see this clearly. Hope your procedures go smoothe.

  13. Ahhh... not to worry. The important thing is that you get your op over and done with, and that you can see clearly once again!
    Focus on YOU right now... and not the blogging, so put that worry right out of your head!

  14. If you like I can bring Toto with me when you go see the wizard. Blessings to ya my friend...all will turn out. :-)
