Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Need A Break Today....!

Mom has been sick since the day after Christmas...and it's been getting worse and worse!

Went to the doctor's office Monday and again on Tuesday! I was surprised they sent her back home Monday, as she was really sick! The reason? They said that they had no one in the office that could authorize putting her in the hospital!

Anyway, Tuesday we were at the doctor's at 11:30 in the morning. When we left there about 12:15 or so...we were told to go straight to the E.R., so that's what we did!

Got back home around 8:15 P.M. That's right! 8:15 at night and she was sent home with a suggestion to take some pain killers or aspirin!

I'm really tired, Mom is cross with me...because she was hearing voices and was upset that I couldn't hear them as well! One voice she heard was my sister that lives in North Carolina!

Needless to say, I'm tired...very tired! So, I'm gonna need to take a break for today and maybe tomorrow!

Hospitals really suck, BTW!


  1. Prayers are with you, my friend. Hope Mama gets better soon, because we all know, "When Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy."

  2. It is good to take time to catch up on your rest. Yes, medical issues can be quite exhausting. While we may function well at the time, I think we drain ourselves, using up a lot of adrenaline. It is difficult to get recharged. Best wishes for a speedy recovery for your Mom.

  3. I think hospitals suck too. Wether it is me sick or anyone else that I may need to take there. I really do hope your mom gets better soon Jim.

  4. Hey Catman...
    I appreciate that, buddy!

    Thanks for coming by!

    Hey 2 Tramps...
    At 84, it takes a lot longer to get over some things than when you are young!

    I'm hoping for the best and thanks for the kind words. Thanks also for coming by today!

    Hey Hermit...
    Many thanks, my friend, for the good thoughts about Mom...and for stopping in today!

  5. When your mom gets to feeling better, she will feel bad for having been cross with you ...or she won't even remember she was. I hope it's the latter. I know she didn't mean to be cross. She's just feeling poorly.

    Special prayers going up for you and your mom, HJ. Get some rest!

  6. Mechanic in IllinoisJanuary 5, 2011 at 7:04 AM

    I hope your mother is feeling better and don't forget about yourself. Don't get run down or you'll be with her at the doctor's office. Take care and we'll all see you tomorrow.

  7. That is FUBAR, no one to authorize putting her in the hospital?!

    Ya stupid gits, she's obviously very sick!

    Next time just take her to the emergency room, hearing voices ain't good pal. Take a break man.

  8. Bubba -
    I was scared silly when I couldn't get either of you yesterday on the phone or email. Felt none better when I called the hospital and they said she was in the ER! What is it we are always telling Mom about carrying her cell phone - better start re-inforcing that, huh? I finally called T, as you know, and even David to see if one of them could go to the hospital to find y'all. Otherwise I was on the way myself!!
    After you rest, get in touch - our conversation last night was too short.
    More thanks and many blessings on you, big brother. You are my knight in shining armor!

  9. My thoughts are with you and your mother. Hope she is feeling better soon.

  10. Hey Man , forget about us, you got more important things to be taking care of.

    All my best wishes

  11. I wish your mom wellness and you need to stay healthy so get some rest.

  12. Good Morning My Special One,
    Get rest this isnt going to be over anytime soon from the sounds of her condition. What is up with the medical proffesion anyway. This sucks. But you better never owe these people money.
    I will keep you both in my heart and prayers

  13. So sorry to hear that your Mother is feeling poorly. All our thoughts and prayers will be with you and her. Please take care of yourself, also. Caring for a sick loved one takes a lot out of a person.

    Maybe your experiences with the doctor's office and the hospital is the first taste of Obama Care??

  14. No one could authorize sending her to the hospital???? What a bunch of BS! I hate doctors. Avoid them like the plague.

  15. Hey Everyone...
    I sure do appreciate all the kind wishes and I'll certainly pass them on to Mom.

    She seems to be a little better. I made sure that she got real food today and helped keep all her medication straight!

    Can't take any chances with some of this medication, since some of them are narcotic based!

    Again, I really appreciate you all coming by. It warms my heart and makes me realize just how fortunate I am to have so may friends out there!

  16. Crap Jim! I hate to hear you and your Mom having to go through such. I hope she recovers quickly. So, you rest and don't worry about posting for us until you feel better. My thoughts and prayers are with ya'll.
