Sunday, January 23, 2011

Some Things Are Timeless...!

When someone talented does what they are really good never fades away!

No matter how long ago a thing was done, if it was a thing of beauty to begin with, it stays that way! It's a shame we don't see more talent like this anymore!

Let's get some fresh coffee and talk about old times!


  1. I love a good dancer...this video shows it. I also enjoy Fred Astair, Gene Kelly and the likes of them.
    Love it!

  2. Hey Diane-Sage...
    We don't have many dancers or other entertainers like we used to! At least, if we have I haven't seen them!

    I sure appreciate you coming by today!

  3. WOW! that was really something to watch. Yes in those days people could really put on a show. Not only the dancers but the stage settings were also so beautifully done.
    Thanks for sharing that with us this morning. You talk about old times and I'll listen. :) Love old stories

  4. Hey JoJo...
    The club shows put on in those days were very well done, to say the least!

    Lots of talent there, that's for sure!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming by today!

  5. Mechanic in IllinoisJanuary 23, 2011 at 10:10 AM

    Neat lesson and I also like dancers. Have a great sunday.

  6. Hey Mechanic...
    Hope you don't have too much snow to plow this morning!

    When does the snow usually let up for you guys? Or does it?

    Hey, thanks for coming over!

  7. Wow!!! A couple of things that I noticed. When they were dancing through the band area, you could see their shadows and their shadows were having a hard time keeping up with them (grin). And did you notice that after doing some of those "splits", they could get up to a standing position just by reversing the split. What strength that would take, I have trouble getting our of a chair.

  8. Awesome! That dude blowing the high note on the horn at the end of the set had some chops!

  9. Hey Dizzy...
    I looked up some early video clips of these two young men, and they were dancing like this when they were just kids!

    Pretty amazing! And I know what you mean about not having the strength to undo any splits!

    Thanks for coming by today, buddy!

    Hey Catman...
    Pretty special talent if you ask me! All these entertainers back then had to have some serious talent, I guess!

    Hey Man...thanks for the visit today!
