Friday, May 27, 2011

Going Way Back...!

I don't know if anyone remembers these guys from long ago, but I can remember seeing them on television when I was a kid!

They were a lot of fun then, and just as much fun to watch today! I like the harmonica, play the harmonica (or used to) and I just wanted to share a memory or two with you all!

If you don't remember them, just enjoy them for the first time! If you do remember them...then you must be as old as I am!

Now, wasn't that fun for a change? Dang! I know I'm getting old now! These guys played with Spike Jones and his band way, way back!

C'mon, my friends...let's get some coffee and sit on the patio!


  1. I haven't thought of them in years! What a joy to watch! Our family used to gather together for Hollywood Palace every week. Back when television was pure. Well, except for Dean Martin. We were never allowed to watch his show because he was a drunk, my mom said!

  2. Hey Kris...
    It's fun to go back and revisit some of the old memories from time to time!

    Not much entertainment like this anymore! That's a shame!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today!

  3. Wow, you hurt my memory brain cells. That is a long time ago.

    And a note to Kris up there. Shame her mom won't let her watch Dean, cause the drunk bit was just that.. an ACT..

    I sure miss any decent television programing.

  4. Thanks for the smile on my face this morning.

  5. WOW! I do remember them. We always watched that show and all the others once we had a TV. And even way back then Dad bought a used one. Good memorys.
    It's almost warm enough here to be able to sit on the porch and have coffee. No heater for 2 nights now.

  6. OH MY, thank you for that video. I laughed so hard and it broght back so many memories. I even had my wife watch it and she laughed and remembered them, also. BTW when we got our first TV there was only one station, channel 2.

  7. I remember them, too! And Spike Jones....Aunt Mildred had a big collection of his records. She would play them and do the Charleston all night long. Good ol' days, for sure! Thanks, Bubba.
    Love you.

  8. One more comment, I guess I am older than I thought. We got our first B&W TV when I was in second grade. Color didn't come out for about 10 years or so from then. If I can remember correctly, wasn't Bonanza one of the first to be in color? I was married with kids before we got a color set.

  9. dont remember them, but like u, we got a bnw tv, had 1 channel, n we were the only 1s in the neighborhood to have 1, so all the others came to our house to watch. channel 7 must not have carried this.

  10. gotta tell DD on here, ss, but i can't post to ur blog. Keeps making me sign in, then just goes in circles.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Hey Ben...
    Sure did have some good programs, compared to the trash on the air these days!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    Always glad to do my part, my friend! Gotta take our grins whenever we can, right?

    Thanks so much for coming by today!

    Hey JoJo...
    I can remember our first set as well...had a 10 inch screen and was black and white!

    Times have really changed, haven't they?

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming over this morning!

  13. Hey Dizzy...
    I'm glad to have found something that the wife enjoyed!

    Never hurts to have a little grin first thing, right?

    I sure appreciate the visit today!

    Hey Trouble...
    Wonder what the newer generation will remember most about their childhood?

    Bet they won't have as many good ones as we do!

    I'll pass on to Dizzy the info about your posting comments!

    Thanks, my friend, for coming by today!

  14. I sure do remember them and probably have a vinyl of them somewhere. We aren't getting old, just better! that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

  15. Yahoo, able tro leave a comment, HermitJim. I DO remember this harmonica band even though I really don;'t rememebr a lot of the old TV variety shows. You are so right in saying they just don't offer the good entertainment of back when. We have a Sirius XM radio subscription just so we can listen to Sintra channel, 40s etc. Thanks for the peanut butter info in a recnet post. It's one of my favorite foods as well!

  16. Hermit, did they also perform as The Harmonocats or was that a different group. I remember getting to watch the Jackie Gleason Show with those beautiful dancers who, shall we say, left a young, pre-teen youngster a little embarrased. We watched Ed Sullivan, except for when Elvis was on. Momma said he was shamefull and would lead people to no good someday. I guess she was right, look whats happening now.
