Thursday, September 8, 2011

Back On Line Again...!

Finally got back on line again, after replacing my cable modem!

The old one crapped out on me last night. Been trying to go out for a while, but being stubborn like usual...I waited until it was totally belly-up before I replaced it.

You would think after all these years, I would have learned my lesson! Nope!

Anyway, I'm back online again and ready for another day! This one has certainly been a bummer!

I'll explain it all in tomorrow's post. The kind of day that all of us have once in a while, then try our best to forget!

Thanks for the concern, guys!


  1. I sometimes get bored or indifferent by the net, but let it be off for any amount of time and I have to have it back on. Addicting, isn't it?

  2. Perhaps tomorrow will be a better day.

  3. Hey Ken...
    Terrible when those days rear their ugly head, isn't it?

    Oh, well...things gotta get better, right?

    Thanks for coming by today, my friend!

    Hey Michael...
    Just knowing it's not available seems to make me uncomfortable for some reason!

    Addicted? You bet! I admit it!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Gorges...
    Gotta be better than today! That's for sure!

    I appreciate you coming by today, my friend!

  4. had forgotten about ur modem. but sure did wonder wth u were this am

  5. HJ we go without watching TV and don't even have cable/dish service, but let the DSL go out and we really get grumpy. Hope the days get better for you, the weekend's coming.

  6. Hey Trouble...
    I knew it was going to go out, but just kept putting it off! My fault entirely!

    Doesn't mean it wasn't making me crazy!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Beatrice...
    Luckily I was just starting a good book and with the PC down, I stayed up way too long to finish it!

    Still, I miss it when I don't have it! Just like my smokes! Don't miss 'em until I run out!

    I really am glad you could could come by today!

  7. Talk about problems, Had to buy a new lap top Tue, Having so much trouble with Google and blogger not being able to reconize my account. I have had to change my password and redo the account 8 times in three days. If it happens again I will stop blogging altogether to much trouble for me to deal with.
    Hope we both have a better day tomorrow

  8. when my cable modem goes out, my cable company replaces it for free and fast too. :) glad you are back!!!

  9. Hey JoJo...
    Sorry you are having such a problem with the new laptop! It can be a real hassle to keep things going, that's for sure!

    I hate to see you give up on blogging, but you are the only one that can decide if it's worth it or not!

    Just hang in there, sweetie! Things get better, I hear!

    Thanks so much for coming by today!

    Hey Kellie...
    Comcast did replace the modem for free, but my choice was to wait for over a week for a repairman...or go and get it myself! I went!

    I'm happy to be back, believe me! I missed everyone!

    Silly, I guess! But this is like my second family here!

    Thanks so much for coming over today, my friend!

  10. Sorry about your day. Some of them make you wish you'd just stayed in bed and enjoyed the extra sleep. Oh wait, extra sleep, what is that? Hope tomorrow is wonderful to make up for today.

  11. Hey Sel...
    Everyone has 'em once in a while, so I guess it was my day today!

    I'll tell all about it in my next post! Bad one!

    Thanks so much for the visit today!
