Monday, October 24, 2011

Another Crazy "Old Person" Story...!

This is another case of trying to decide if the person was extremely brave or just plain stupid!

I guess we could say it was all the fault of dementia or old age, but that would take the fun out of the story! It's more fun to speculate about this lady and her choice in her "golden years!"

First barrel ride down Niagara Falls

On this day in 1901, a 63-year-old schoolteacher named Annie Edson Taylor becomes the first person to take the plunge over Niagara Falls in a barrel.

After her husband died in the Civil War, the New York-born Taylor moved all over the U. S. before settling in Bay City, Michigan, around 1898. In July 1901, while reading an article about the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, she learned of the growing popularity of two enormous waterfalls located on the border of upstate New York and Canada. Strapped for cash and seeking fame, Taylor came up with the perfect attention-getting stunt: She would go over Niagara Falls in a barrel.

Taylor was not the first person to attempt the plunge over the famous falls. In October 1829, Sam Patch, known as the Yankee Leaper, survived jumping down the 175-foot Horseshoe Falls of the Niagara River, on the Canadian side of the border. More than 70 years later, Taylor chose to take the ride on her birthday, October 24. (She claimed she was in her 40s, but genealogical records later showed she was 63.) With the help of two assistants, Taylor strapped herself into a leather harness inside an old wooden pickle barrel five feet high and three feet in diameter. With cushions lining the barrel to break her fall, Taylor was towed by a small boat into the middle of the fast-flowing Niagara River and cut loose.

Knocked violently from side to side by the rapids and then propelled over the edge of Horseshoe Falls, Taylor reached the shore alive, if a bit battered, around 20 minutes after her journey began. After a brief flurry of photo-ops and speaking engagements, Taylor's fame cooled, and she was unable to make the fortune for which she had hoped. She did, however, inspire a number of copy-cat daredevils. Between 1901 and 1995, 15 people went over the falls; 10 of them survived. Among those who died were Jesse Sharp, who took the plunge in a kayak in 1990, and Robert Overcracker, who used a jet ski in 1995. No matter the method, going over Niagara Falls is illegal, and survivors face charges and stiff fines on either side of the border.

With story after story like this popping up almost daily, why so many folks continue to think that "old" means dull and slow is beyond me! It's like the old saying goes..."growing older is mandatory, growing up is not!"

Let's get some fresh coffee and sit outside. Better put on some mosquito repellent! They are plenty bad right now!


  1. Well, in Annie's case, I guess it was a case of "deperate times call for desperate measures." The rest were probably just idiots.

  2. Hey Gorges...
    You certainly have to give her credit for trying!

    You have to love folks with that "never say die" attitude!

    Thanks, my friend, for coming by today!

  3. My wife and I went for our honeymoon at the falls -in the winter. Impressive place. No way would I volunteer for such a plunge, at any age.

  4. After reading this I guess I will scratch it off my 'Bucket List'

  5. Well, IMHO, Crazy Nuts jobs bout covers it.

    BTW,I've seen the falls from both sides and the Canadian view is better . IMHO anyway

  6. Crazy "old people". I don't care how old I get I will never go over Niagara Falls. I've sen them and - no way!!!!

  7. She wasn't OLD! desperate yes but old no. I have seen the falls and they are very impressive. That one fall I do not want to ever try.

    I have some spray for those nasty little things I hope it works.

  8. Hey Sixbears...
    I'm with you in not wanting to go over the edge!

    I'll bet the falls are noisy!

    Thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Duke...
    I think that would probably be a good thing to remove! If you were going to leave it on the bucket list, you might want to make it the last thing!

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Ben...
    I have to say, folks that go over the falls don't seem too bright!

    Whatever floats your boat, I guess!

    Thanks, my friend, for dropping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    Pretty to look at but I'm not going over the edge if I can help it!

    Thanks, my friend, for the visit this morning!

    Hey JoJo...
    I use the term "old" loosely!

    I don't think I want to go over either!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming by today!

  9. I have seen the Falls and would not want to take that ride. BTW Conroe Penny told the story today, also. Check her site out, you may like it:

  10. Hmmm, I wonder if that game show "101 ways to leave a game show" has considered the falls ?

  11. I've never seen those falls in person myself, but from the pictures and images I've seen, you have to be craaaayyyy zzzzzzeeeee to attempt that, that or just very adventurous.
