Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sunday Special...!

Running late today, so I thought you might like to pass the next few minutes watching this!

This man obviously loves what he does, and he is very good at it!

You have a blessed day, my friends! I wish you peace this Sunday!

Fresh coffee on the patio! Nice and cool outside this morning!


  1. Glad you checked in, was getting worried..

  2. Hey Ben...
    Sorry about that, buddy!

    Thanks for stopping by to check on me!

    Hey DD...
    He really is good, isn't he? The other paintings he has done are very good as well!

    Some folks are just naturally talented!

    Thanks for coming over today!

  3. Very impressive! I did wonder almost till the end how he would make sonmething out of that :-)

    Have a great day!

  4. Hi My Special One, I was getting a little concerned too. Glad you are here and thanks for the video.
    glad its nice a cool there. it is still only 54 and has been raining for most of the morning with some thunder thrown in.
    Sitting in front of my fake fireplace is nice and cozy.

  5. Hey Christer...
    Just shows that artist see things differently than most of the rest of us!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey JoJo...
    Sorry if I caused any concern this morning! Guess I just forgot last night!

    Must be an age thing!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming by today!

  6. pretty neat, gotta admire talent like that.

  7. Hey Duke...
    Pretty talented man, I'd say! Good performance artist!

    Hey, thanks for dropping by today!
