Friday, January 13, 2012

Some More Thoughts On Age...!

Here's another one I got from my Baby Sis.

I hope this poem has the same effect on you as it did on me. If it does, then my work is done!

Walk with me by the water - worth the read...


I forgot the words....

Guess that about says it all! Ya know, sometimes I worry about Baby Sis! Why does she always seem to find these things to send to me? Reckon she is trying to tell me something? NAW!!! Surely not!

Coffee inside this morning! It's colder than an ex mother-in-law's heart outside!


  1. Perfect - that's a poem even I can remember!!! I'm just starting to get "old", and it's a blow to my ego to HAVE to write things down to remember them now when my memory USED to be SO good, and it kills me that I NEED "task lighting" and reading glasses for small print or if the light isn't great.....sigh.

  2. Hey Mystic...
    One good thing about getting sure beats the alternative!

    Besides, compared to me you are still just a youngster!

    I really appreciate you dropping by this morning!

  3. 1000 words of perfection they be

    silent be the words of the poem yet for every ear to hear.

    for they be words of memories past

    memories of sadness, memories of joy, from each we learned of the other

    silent be the words so that the memories may speak of what we be

    tis our memories that write the words of the poem, each to our own

  4. My kind of poem for sure. One I can understand and relate too. :-)

  5. Bubba -

    Just sharing what I can remember of a truly great poem. Bet lots of your followers didn't know that you were the Class Poet of your graduating class, huh? We were always taught to appreciate poetry and encouraged to write some of our own, weren't we? You and Mom were the most successful at it, I believe, and this one today would have been of my more memorable contributions, if only I could remember.....

    Big hugs - see you tomorrow

  6. Aw heck, I forgot what I was going to say.

  7. Ah forgetfulness, best excuse i use right now!!!

  8. Good post--Uh what were we talking about?

  9. I have one suviving aunt in a nursing home and we make and send cards to here every weekday. I write a poem for each card. Not an easy job.

  10. Hey Griper...
    That's pretty good! At least you remembered it all!

    Thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Ben...
    Yep! Reckon you and I are in the same boat memory wise!

    Lots of fun, sometimes!

    Thanks, buddy, for dropping by today!

    Hey Sis...
    Now, don't be sharing all my secrets, ya hear?

    Gotta keep my secret past a secret. Don't remember why!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Momlady...
    I hate it when that happens! And it does, more and more lately!

    Hope things are going good for you right now!

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Linda...
    I can certainly associate with that! Maybe it's just because we are wiser?

    I really appreciate the visit! You stay warm up there!

    Hey John...
    Man, don't ask me! I don't have an answer! In fact, I forgot the question!

    Thanks, John, for coming by today!

  11. Hey Dizzy...
    I remember you posting about that! I think it's great!

    You have a great day, and thanks for coming by today!

  12. You know what that reminds me of . . .

    Have another cup of coffee and forget about it.

  13. Hey Sixbears...
    That sounds like good advice to me, buddy!

    How is the weather in Florida? Better than in N.H., I'll bet!

    Happy sailing...and thanks for coming by today!

  14. LOL! I don't know what made me laugh more, the poem or your comment about the ex-mother-in-law. :)

    Thanks for the laughter this morning, I hope you have a wonderful day.


  15. Hey Felinae...
    It's always good to hear from you, my friend!

    Glad you found a little humor in today's post! Fun to make folks smile!

    I sure am glad you could come by for a visit today!

  16. You mean i'm not the ONLY one to have those problems????

  17. Couldn't be more appropriate for me today!

    Two people friended me on Facebook. No clue who they are. My sister-in-law is friends with both so I asked her about them. Silence on the other end of phone.

    Finally she says: "You're kidding right?"


    "Good God, you are losing it! You joke about it but you really are!"

    The first "friend" was a year behind me in school & I had a crush on her brother all the way through grade school & high school!

    The second was a cousin to my sister-in-law who called an ambulance when I went off the road & through a windshield a few months after high school graduation. She really did save my life due to the extent of my injuries.

    I felt like...well, I can't even find the words.

    I need more than brain food, medication or therapy. I need a brain transplant!

  18. Hey Trouble...
    I think it happens to the best of us!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Treesong...
    You sound like me at times! Some days are better than others, ya know?

    Gotta get better cause it can't get any worse...I hope!

    Thanks for coming by today!
