Sunday, March 25, 2012

Cartoon Sunday Again...!

I know that I should put something deep and meaningful on here today.

However, since I'm very seldom very deep and meaningful, I decided against it. Besides, it is Sunday! A day to be at rest, in body and mind and in thought!

With that being said, a little frivolity is in order! I think that I can provide as little as anyone!

Cartoons are in order!!!

Since it's Sunday, I think a second one is in order here, right? house, my rules!

Well, that should start things off right this Spring day!

Coffee on the patio this morning. Biscuits and gravy sound good?


  1. Jim,I like your rules! Say could ya send me Acme's phone number or email addy cause I could sure use one of them instant awakeners.


  2. Of course Biscuits and gravy Sounds good:-) But today here it's a fresh made sausage, egg, cheese,potato burrito from the little store up the street.

    Thanks for the cartoons, really does take me back about 50+ years. :-)

  3. Hey China...
    Best as I can's something like BR-549!

    Glad you enjoyed it, buddy! Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Ben...
    I have to admit that burrito sounds mighty tempting! Haven't had one in a long, long time!

    I figured you would remember and enjoy these cartoons! Fun stuff!

    Thanks for dropping by, my friend!

  4. I love the cartoons as you well know and with fresh coffee always a great Sunday treat.

    Thank you

  5. Hey JoJo...
    Always my pleasure, sweetie...always my pleasure!

    Thanks so much for coming over today!

  6. Hi HermitJim, weekend humor is always welcome. Breakfast today was a western omelet and muffins and served with fresh coffee...never been a biscuits and gravy fan myself, but know lots of folks enjoy them.
