Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Bones At Ben Franklin's House...!

Nearly every day, we hear a story about the exposure of a secret of some public official.

Evidently, this has been the case for a long time. In the political world, it isn't necessarily wrong doing that hurts you, but the appearance of wrong doing that can create a world of problems. If you don't believe it, consider the case of Benjamin Franklin and the bones in his basement!

Why were 10 dead bodies found in Benjamin Franklin’s basement?

By Lauren Davis
Apr 14, 2012 9:00 AM

In 1998, a group called the Friends of Benjamin Franklin House began renovations on Franklin's London residence, No. 36 Craven Street, and discovered a nasty surprise: 1,200 pieces of bone from 10 bodies, six of which were children. And the bodies were buried in the basement around the time Franklin was living in the house.

No, Franklin didn't engage in a murder spree in between penning Poor Richard's Almanack and flying kites in lightning storms. In fact, it's unlikely that the bodies were murder victims at all. The bones were sawed through and bore scalpel marks, suggesting the bodies were used for an anatomical study. And it just so happens that Franklin's dear friend William Hewson, whose mother-in-law owned Franklin's home, was a student of the famed anatomist William Hunter. Historical speculation holds that Hewson, after digging up these bodies or paying a "resurrection man" for the remains, set up a lab in Franklin's basement for his own anatomical studies.

The question remains, however: did Franklin know about the bodies? It's possible that he participated in, or at least witnessed Hewson's studies, but Hewson could have used the basement — and then buried the bodies — when Franklin wasn't around. Without further historical evidence, we can't know if the bodies in the basement would have been as much of a surprise to Franklin as they were to the renovation team.

I don't believe for a minute that ol' Ben had anything to do with the collecting or hiding a bunch of human bones, but you have to admit that there is a hint of a mystery behind the whole thing!

I just love a good mystery, don't you?

Coffee on the patio this morning. The rain and stormy weather seems to be gone for now!


  1. Don't politicians usually keep skeletons in their closet?

  2. Hell, there are always Jerks with nothing better to do that try to bring shame, blame or scandal down of someone.

  3. I love what Sixbears said. Haha

  4. DNA tests of the bones could prove to be interesting being as old Ben liked screwing his slave women.

  5. Six Bears said it all.

    I'm off for the mountains in about 1 hr. Weather is great.

  6. Hey Sixbears...
    Guess there was more room in the basement than in the closet!

    Never know what may be dug up!

    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    It is kinda catchy, isn't it?

    Thanks, lady, for coming over this morning!

    Hey Ben...
    Like the old saying goes...they gotta talk about someone!

    Anytime you are a public figure, you are going to face some sort of perceived scandal or bad press!

    Considering his accomplishments, I think it's safe to say it wasn't his fault!

    Thanks for the visit, buddy!

    Hey Linda...
    Always a chuckle or two to be found here at the Hermit's house!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey BBC...
    DNA would be interesting. Too bad they don't have any more information about what happened back then!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey JoJo...
    You be careful on the road, ya hear?

    I'm glad the weather is co-operating with you!

    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping in today!

  7. Better in the basement than in the closet. There is no bones about it.

  8. Hey Dizzy...
    Just couldn't resist, could ya?

    If ever a post called out for funny comments, this is certainly it!

    Thanks, DD, for coming by today!

  9. ...ole'Ben,always an enigma...
