Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A "Gem" Of A Funeral...!

Some folks want to be remembered after they pass away. No matter what!

I guess that this is certainly one way to accomplish that! Actually, this is a pretty cool way to go! I never heard of this before, but I have to say it's different!


Bizarre Fact: A US company will take your remains and turn them into a diamond which can be used by your loved ones.

The company uses the cremated remains of you or a pet to create synthetic diamonds which range in weight and price. A full human body can provide sufficient carbon to make up to 50 one carat diamonds (which cost around $14,000 each). After the carbon from the corpse is purified, it is converted to graphite which is then used in the synthetic diamond process. The resulting diamond is engraved with the name of the dead, and is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity. In 2007 the company used carbon extracted from strands of hair from Ludwig van Beethoven to produce three diamonds for charity. LifeGem retained one diamond, they donated one to John Reznikoff who provided the hair sample, and the third was sold on Ebay for $202,700 US. Get your LifeGem here. Pictured above is an authentic LifeGem (image copyright LifeGem).

The only problem I see with this is that most of relatives would rather have the money this cost instead of the gem! Still, this is pretty unique as a memorial, if you ask me!

Coffee on the patio this morning. Pretty nice outside and I'm ready to enjoy the sunshine!


  1. And future wills may read, "To my daughter, Traci, I hereby bequeath Uncle Bob and Aunt Karen..."

  2. I'm trying real hard to be worth more alive than dead. :)

  3. Bubba -
    Since both hubby and I intend to be cremated, this would be better than having a jar on the mantle, but, you're right, the money makes it really stupid. Better for those Democrats who have more (of our) money than sense. I'll just go spread hubby on the golf course and keep the memories.....

    Big hugs -

  4. I have already told my family I want to be cremated and my ashes spread on a mountain top of my sons choosing. Otherwise use my ashes to fertilize his vegetable garden. I also think my son would rather have the money; but the ring sure is pretty.

  5. I don't know to many people with that kind of money especially mine. I want my ashes spread around these mountains and lakes.

    It is a nice morning for coffee on the patio. tomorrow will bring rain.

  6. I ain't no gem in life, why should I be one after I die? Just an ole lump of coal.

  7. Hey Gorges...
    That sounds about right to me! Strange but true!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey BBC...
    I know what you mean!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    I hear ya on that! Sounds like a good plan to me.

    Thanks for coming over.

    Hey Ben...
    Exactly what I was thinking!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by today!

    Hey Sis...
    I'm sure that hubby would appreciate that! Make him feel right at home!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    Both sound like very good choices to me! Certainly more practical, in my opinion!

    Thanks, my friend, for coming over today!

    Hey JoJo...
    Mostly poor folks in my family...too poor to have this done!

    Besides, I'm not sure I want to be around that many people after I'm gone!

    Not that I would notice, though.

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Sounds like an old Johnny Cash song to me!

    Bet Your wife thinks you are a real gem, buddy!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  8. Most people barely have the money for a funeral or cremation why would one purchase that, it is ridiculous in my opinion my favorite show that I got to watch from dvd's was Six Feet Under that is the way I feel about funerals and the funeral business, a big big profit business that with Indian Gamin Casinos are the most prosperous businesses in one needs to pay anything for most buials at all, cremation is big in this state as it is in all states, one can do most of the paperwork and cremation businesses like the Neptune society take care of all the rest..why make people who are left behind, loved ones miserable spending money they could have shown the decendent when that person was alive or use their hard earned money for living in the present tense...
