Saturday, April 7, 2012

Remember This Song...?

When I was a very young kid, I can remember Gene Autry singing this song about Easter time!

Back then it seems that every holiday had it's own theme song, one song that the kids and sometimes even the grownups went around humming or whistling, ya know?

Since Gene Autry was often the one who sang these songs, and tomorrow is Easter, it seems only fair we include him today!

See if this song can bring back a few memories!

I do hope you enjoyed this little trip down memory lane. Sure was a long time ago, wasn't it?

Coffee on the patio again this morning. Want some hot biscuits?


  1. I don't recall him doing that song and I don't do Easter anymore, it's all anal and I eat eggs and rabbits.

  2. Oh, how I remember Gene Autry, I was a wee one and I remember his christmas songs, and that easter song, I knew the Easter bunny was near..Too bad we don't have gentlemen like him anymore, today's rap stars and others spew lots of crap in their lyrics..give me the good old days when a song could be played to any age group..Of course I used to make a buck sixty seven cents an hour too and women had to wear dresses and nylons, they could not do men's jobs or were scorned too, bad bad bad for women, great for men..Now men can't find jobs after being laid off from a job after many many years, women get the degrees now and the jobs..and after 40 all bets are off on any jobs at all for men and women..I don't know what is to become of our nation with no jobs for real people, the reason the unemployment numbers have dropped is that now no one can get 99 weeks of unemployment insurance, in the state I am writing from they are even trying to cut off money for the very vulnerable by a state senator who gets $60l a month for a service connected disability back of course, since he got out of the Navy many years ago and even duped our unemployment insurance for money he claimed and stated he had no source of income(he is a state senator) shame on him, he is leading the fight to eliminate funds for the most indigent of people living here, shame on him! These times are not like when Gene Autry was on the tv and singing sweet songs for the tiny children of the nation...just saying!happy passover today and easter tomorrow...

  3. Just your mention of him and the song and I was hearing it in my head. Have a nice quiet day. I'll be gardening (I hope).

  4. Gene Autry and Beryl Ives gave us some of the best holiday music. But of course, we can't forget about Bing Crosby.

  5. Hey Anon 5:59...
    It certainly was a different, more simple way of doing things back then.

    Ol' Gene did a lot of songs related to the holidays! Made lots of money from it as well!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey BBC...
    I haven't had any rabbit in a long time. Eggs, though, are still a favorite food!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Don't you just hate it when a song gets stuck in your head?

    Happens to me once in a while and it can really bug me!

    Have a great day...and thanks for coming over today!

  6. Hey Dizzy...
    I hadn't thought about Beryl Ives for a long time! Always liked his singing!

    Have a great day, buddy, and thanks for coming by today!

  7. Haven't heard that song for ages. thanks for the memories!

  8. Wow, this takes me back quite a few years. Was just a tyke ya know and Gene was a favorite star to all us kids of that day (early 50's). We all wore cap guns (no registration required) and wanted to be a sing'n cowboy.....just like Gene and Roy.

  9. That was fun. I remember the song but didn't know Gene sang it. We will have a quiet Easter this year. Just daughter#3 and grand daughter. But that's just fine for me.

    I sure would like a nice warm bisquit with coffee. Thanks

  10. Hey John...
    Always a pleasure to wander down memory lane by way of an old song!

    Glad you remember it and glad also you could drop in today!

    Hey Billy Bob...
    Ah...the days of the cap guns and western heroes! I remember them well!

    I'd like to see the older western make a come back, but guess that will never happen!

    I sure do appreciate you coming by today, my friend!

  11. Hey JoJo...
    I'm sure glad you liked the old song, sweetie!

    Gene did a lot of popular songs back in his day! Remember the Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer?

    You have a wonderful day, my friend, and thanks for coming by this morning!

  12. Remember that too, but then,,,Along Came Jones,,,lol

  13. We're telling our age here, you know? But yeah, I remember!

  14. Age? Hell, I'm older than the dirt.
