Saturday, May 12, 2012

Strange But True Cat Story...!

I thought I had heard just about everything when it came to cats, but this takes the cake!

Being a cat, I mean room mate, this story really surprised me! Kinda different in a nice sort of way!

Radio Station for Felines

Nohl Rosen of Scottsdale, Arizona, is the proud owner of Cat Galaxy, an Internet radio and TV station catered specially for cats (and their owners too). Running for a strong nine years, the station has radio shows like Morning Meows, Meow Mixing Monday and Friday Night Feline Frenzy. Most of the music from this station is ‘feline-approved’, ranging from Jazz to R’n’B .Plus, the station features interviews with various veterinarians and pet-owners as well. Oh, and the station’s manager is none other than Rosen’s own pet cat, Isis. Even the assistant manager and the program director are cats. For more info, go here.

Like I said, it's sorta cool and strange at the same time! You have to admit it's different if nothing else!

How about coffee in the kitchen this morning! Big rainstorm last night and it may not be gone yet!


  1. Yes sort of very strange and cool :-)

    Have a great day!

  2. I have to say I am a dog lover, but LOVED this:)
