Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A Lesson For Politicians...!

Sooner or later, some of the guys involved in politics will start to catch on that they are not popular!

Bad enough to be beat by a cat in the election, but to have the same thing happen for 15 years...well, I'd say that sends a very strong message! This story from the Sun News in California is just too good to pass up!

Cat mayor celebrates 15 years on the job in Alaska town
9:29 am, July 16th, 2012

Stubbs, a part-manx cat with a short tail, has been the mayor of Talkeetna since he was elected shortly after his birth,.

After 15 years, the term of the mayor of an Alaska town shows no signs of stopping anytime soon.

Stubbs, a part-manx cat with a short tail, has been the mayor of Talkeetna since he was elected shortly after his birth, KTUU-TV reported.

Back then, several of the town's 900 residents didn't like the human candidates who were running for mayor so they encouraged everyone to vote for Stubbs the cat as a write-in candidate. The cat won the election and has been mayor ever since, the station reported.

Stubbs spends much of his time at Nagley's General Store, where he is quite popular.

"Oh my gosh, we probably have 30 to 40 people a day come in who are tourists wanting to see him," Lauri Stec, who works at the general store, told KTUU.

Talkeetna is located near Mount McKinley and is about 180 km northwest of Anchorage.

I'm not sure, but I think that if I was in politics and had been beat out by a cat for 15 years...I might either give up politics or even move out of town! In fact, moving out of the state might be even better!

Coffee in the kitchen this morning, as the rain is coming back in! Sorry about that!


  1. and i'll bet that the economy and life is better there than in any other part of the nation.

    bet if we elected more politicians like Stubbs life would get better for everyone.

  2. That's just wonderful :-) :-) :-) But unfortunately that also shows politicians never learn :-) :-)

    Have a great day!

  3. Hey Griper...
    They must be doing pretty good since the cat keeps getting re-elected!

    Seeing this story might just start a trend!

    Hey, thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Christer...
    I really am glad to see ya here this morning.

    Right you are about the politicians never learning! You would think after 15 years they would get the message!

    Thanks, my friend, for coming over today!

  4. I've never cared for cats but, as politicians, they would be better than most of what we now have.

  5. Hey Gorges...
    I'm a cat person, but I have to wonder if this isn't a case of cruelty to animals...lumping them in with all the other politicians!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

  6. That's a great story! And a marvellous idea. I'd be happy to replace most british politicians by moggies, useless lot that they are.

  7. That is amazing! The town is surviving without a "real" politician!! Hmm, wonder if we get get dogs and cats in the Senate and House..I think they would do a much better job! Thanks Jim for the smile again today../cheers

  8. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)July 17, 2012 at 6:44 AM

    At least the cat catches the 'rats'!
    Good story!
    Coffee in the kitchen is just fine - I'll bring fresh apple pie!

  9. Bubba -
    Yesterday and today all of your sidebar followers have disappeared - this is something new. I t may be something my comapny is blocking, silly them, or have you changed something? I'll go find my favorites anyway ~

    Big hugs -

  10. I love this one. Maybe I'll start a trend around here and write in my favorite animal. Probably do better than what we already have. haha

  11. The cat is obviously doing a good job. Stubbs for president!

  12. How many real politicians can you rub and get them to purr? Or, bribe with an anchovie?

  13. Hey Joel...
    I reckon that Stubbs and his kind could certainly do at least as good as some in office now!

    Be interesting to try, anyway!

    Thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Sella35...
    I think we should give them a chance! Anything would be an improvement, in some cases!

    I really appreciate you coming over this morning!

    Hey Phyllis...
    Nothing wrong with a mayor having a part time gig, I reckon. Especially if it benefits one and all!

    Thanks for coming by with the apple pie! Love it!

    Hey Sis...
    I don't know what to tell you about the sidebar. I still see it and no one else has said anything, so maybe it is your company blocking them!

    You might try to refresh the browser!

    Thanks for taking the time to drop in!

    Hey Linda...
    Maybe we could start a grass roots write in campaign across the country!

    The way I see it, couldn't hurt!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Craig...
    I'm thinking he has what it takes, or he would have been replaced long ago!

    President sounds like a good idea!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by today!

    Hey Michael...
    Only if you rub them in the right spots and use gold anchovies for the bribes!

    Hey, thanks for taking time out to come by this morning!

  14. Like you said, this gives cats a bad reputation to be linked with politicians.

  15. Maybe we should follow there lead.

    I don't mind coffee in the kitchen with you.

  16. Hey Dizzy...
    I'm not sure that I would do that to my Siamese, that's for sure!

    Hey, I appreciate you coming over , buddy!

    Hey JoJo...
    Maybe you could start a write in campaign for Fred and get him in office!

    Of course, you might have to talk him into it first!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming by today!

  17. My cats have taught me more about wisdom, patience, relaxing and love than any human. A few cats in every governmental institution would serve us well.

  18. Hey Treesong...
    You certainly got that right!

    More than a little "kitty common sense" would go a long way in some of them!

    Thanks, my friend, for coming by today!

  19. Well, someone still has to be running the town, besides the cat, cats think they are god, until you stop putting food out for them, then they wonder where god is.

  20. That is hilarious! My daughter would concur, cats rule, dogs drool!
