Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My Best Friend Is Missing And I'm Bummed...!

Those of you that have been following me for a while can remember when I got the "Roomies!"

I got the two brother Siamese when they were just kittens and they became my (almost) constant companions. One day back in 2010, Smokey, the biggest of the two, went missing. I wrote about it in a post right here!

Well, today I'm sad to say that C.B., the smaller of the two, is also gone. I've been looking for him and waiting for almost a week now, but it appears that he is just gone. Guess I'll have to admit that, and just learn to deal with it.

Damn, I sure am going to miss that guy, ya know? Sometimes life sucks!

Let's have a cup in the kitchen this morning. I'm feeling a little down.


  1. That seems to be the fate of males, more so than females. Sorry about the loss of your friend.

  2. Sorry about your missing friend. Somedays life does indeed suck. Coffee in the kitchen for me too this morning.

  3. HJ, it's tough to lose both friends and I would be bummed out too. Perhaps in time, you will adopt another friend and maybe one who doesn't roam...female kitties could be more home bound, mine always was but she too is gone now. We never forget out pets.

  4. Very sorry to hear about your other roomie disappearing. Indoor cats sure do make life interesting (both good and bad). I hope he shows up eventually.

  5. What a bummer! Hope he turns up soon. Any ladies in heat in the neighborhood?

  6. So sorry, I know how you feel. Two of my three cats just disappeared, one was male and one was female, but they both liked to roam.

  7. So sorry to hear about C.B.! Life is a bummer some times. It is like losing a member of the family when we lose a pet. Maybe some day you will venture out and get a new "friend".

  8. Don't give up hope, maybe someone took him in thinking he was dropped. I assume you have been banging on doors and asking. Been to the local vet and called the SPCA. We have organizations up here in PA called ORCA and PAWS to help with lost pets. My friend Cindy lost her pit bull, and was beside herself. I told her to call the vet, sure enuf, someone had called saying they found one. It was in a development across from Cindy's house. Don't give up hope.

  9. Bubba -

    I'm so sorry about CB - he really is quite the one. Keeping my fingers crossed he might just re-appear, but....

    Check the local BARC for a new (or old)friend. That's where Lightning came from, after Mama Cat went away, and they always need new homes.

    Bigger hugs than usual - I love you

  10. I'am so sorry to hear this. I hope he comes home soon. But he was friendly and maybe some one did pick him up and take him home.

    Coffee in the kitchen to tell stories of CB and Smokey are in order this morning.

    Big Hugs to you my Special One

  11. Sorry that little one is missing, know how you feel, my Dad always said, 'nobody owns a cat', they have their own agenda.

  12. I'm so very sorry, my friend. He must have been a heck of a hunter.

  13. I'm sorry he is missing. I still hope he shows up.

  14. I know how it feels to have a cat go mising. So sorry you're going through this again! I can get frustrated with Kitty Kitty and her antics, especially when she wakes me up many times a night but if she disappears (even inside the house) I am at my wit's end!

  15. Dont leave comments cause i dont know if u see them, but my sons cat was missing for 4 days, and he went to all the neighbors and asked them to check in their storage rooms,,,sure enough,,he came home that day, really starving.

  16. Sorry to hear this HJ. Hoping he's just out prowling.

  17. Nothing worse than losing a pet and not knowing what became of it. Hope yours turns up.

  18. Hey Everyone...

    Thanks for all the good wishes and words of encouragement. I really appreciate it!

    Sorry that I didn't answer each reply individually like usual, but I've been searching for that little furball all over.

    Once again, thanks for coming over and being good company today!

  19. I have a friend that her cat disappeared for over a month and eventually teetered home. Probably out acting like a wild thing!

  20. The thing I've always liked about cats is that while I enjoy them while they are here is that I don't miss them when they check out.

    Hell, they just think they're god and I'm the doorman, provider of food, and am supposed to adore them when they feel like being adored.

    It never occurs to them to think they are not god until I forget to feed them, then they wonder where god is.

  21. Our two cats died one on 7/9/12 and the other on 7/16/12..Our sweet princess sophie cried out to me from a bush on the hottest night ever and died, could not even get to her, my neighbor jumped a big fence clipped the bush and got her, dug the whole for her grave with my hubby I got almost hysterical had her for 18 almost 19 years, then our prince bailey boy started acting strange and crying, I held him, knowing he was not doing well, he held on til that monday of the 16th and died in a box I cut down for him with his two towels he loved, I held him he cried out too, then he was over the rainbow bridge, we also buried him near our princess sophie I was so drained I could not work for a few days, instead just keep busy at doing stuff I put off, getting rid of fleas in our home, on me and my hubby, throwing out their toys, giving food to a no kill feline shelter..Most people came by to see me and brought food, cards, flowers ice cream, it was hotter than hell here...I am still not the same person, our two other cas ran far and wide and they are inside cats, someone found them and brought them to me, they won't go in the living room where the two kitteh cats used to stay at all..It traumatized me, no more kittehs after our two are gone on the rainbow bridge, animals become like human companions when one goes missing it is traumatic, maybe GOD will see fit to return your kitteh cats, that is my prayer for you!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Aww...I wish I could say that I'm sorry, but you apparently didn't keep your cats as indoor cats and as evidenced by your retarded photo of one of them sitting with wildlife that it senselessly killed, you weren't very responsible with your cats. With all sincerity, I can only hope they were carried aloft kicking and screaming, into a tree branch, where they were dispatched and unceremoniously pulled apart by a hungry hawk. Justice.
