Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Know About Alien Blood...?

You probably already knew this, but I didn't. If I did, I more than likely worked very hard not to think about it!

I am not real crazy about insects as it is, but when I found about this...it certainly didn't help! After all, many insects do look a little alien to me! But then I'm no expert!

Insects Have Alien Blood

Actually it isn’t blood at all, but rather something called hemolymph. It’s been somewhere between 500-600 million years since humans and insects shared a common ancestor, so it is no surprise that there are a few differences. Hemolymph is copper-based, rather than the iron that runs in our veins, giving it a blue or greenish tint when it is oxygenated.

It’s not used to carry oxygen, however, as respiration through the skin is adequate for an insect’s oxygen needs. This means they can have a much more relaxed circulatory system. Their hearts beat much less frequently than our own, and can even even enter a state of rest to conserve energy.

A New Zealand insect called the Weta has been popping up on a lot of list sites lately because of a protein in its hemolymph that prevents ice crystals from forming. This is actually not that uncommon, as many beetles, flies and bees possess the same trait.

Now I know that everything in nature is useful in some way, but I need some help to understand what many of them are good for, ya know?

Let's have our coffee in the kitchen this morning. It's a little chilly outside!


  1. So, are they saying that humans and bugs were both around back then and that humans had green blood? Or, are they saying that humans and bugs are BOTH descended from monkeys? Inquiring minds want to know!

  2. Hey Gorges...
    The way I figure it is that God had a reason for doing things the way he did, so who am I to know why or second guess Him?

    Besides, some things I really don't want to know the answer to!

    Thanks for coming over today!

  3. I also would like to know the purpose of some insects. I suppose they all have some place in the grand scheme of things but there are certainly some I could live without.

  4. Coffee is much better inside today than out. 35 here in central Texas!

  5. I don't know if that was really a lessong I needed to know, but it was still interesting and it is something I didn't know before.:)
    Coffee in the kitchen sounds nice and cozy. Its up to 46 now.

  6. The life forms have a way of forming to suit their surroundings. Only makes sense.

  7. As many insects as we have during the summer this probably makes sense. They are aliens! Yes, definitely coffee inside, it is 34 outside as I type. Brrrr Suppose to start warming up soon and I can't wait.

  8. Iron is better as we live a lot longer than most insects.

  9. CC sent me over -will be back-

    Ian-I like your horse-I have one with quite a similar face-in my back yard-He always makes me smile!


  10. Hey Momlady...
    I reckon I could do without a lot of them as well!

    For instance, I have never been able to figure out what good mosquitoes are to anyone!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Kid...
    A little warmer than that here in Houston. I like this cooler weather, but I don't think it will last for long!

    Sure do appreciate the visit this morning!

    Hey Jo...
    Aw c'mon...you know you wanted to learn about bugs this morning!

    As always, sweetie, you know that I'm happy you could come over!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Life on this big blue marble is sure adaptable, isn't it?

    Hey, thanks for coming over today!

    Hey JMD...
    I am liking this cooler weather, and I'm glad that I don't quite have the weather you do!

    Actually, it's more like Spring than Winter! Not too bad!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Ian...
    As long as it keeps me going, I'm happy!

    Beats the heck out of the alternative, that's for sure!

    Many thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Carol...
    The main thing is that you managed to get here! Always good to make another friend!

    Thanks so much for dropping by today!

  11. We don’t have to go to insects to find a copper based life form. The octopus is one such. It can also change shape and color at will, and is claimed to be at least as intelligent as a dog. As alien to us as if it came from another world. Oh, and what good are mosquitoes? To feed mosquito fish of course. :)

  12. We can find a some amazing life without even leaving the planet.

  13. Hey Bob...
    I didn't know that! See, I love learning something new every day!

    Of course, I don't want to get real close to an octopus either!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    That is proving to be more and more true each day as new (or forgotten ) species are discovered. Often surprising facts are found out quite by accident!

    Thanks, buddy, for dropping in today!

  14. Learned something new today, HJ. Thanks for the info even though insects are not a topic I have much interest in...just saying.

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