Friday, December 14, 2012

Going Caving On Friday's Travels...!

I really like finding some place like this here in the states to go and explore!

Just recently we took a trip to New Mexico, and today we are going back! Another beautiful place to look at makes a return trip worthwhile! Man, they certainly have some pretty places there, don't ya think?

Lechuguilla Cave

One of the more well known of these little-known locations, Lechuguilla cave is yet another location found in New Mexico. The cave is the seventh longest explored cave in the world, with a known length of 134.6 miles. The cave is most famous for the fascinating crystal formations of gypsum and aragonite located within. Prior to its discovery in 1986 the cave sat untouched for hundreds of millions of years, making it one of the world’s most pristine ecosystems.

That has to be some of the most astonishingly clear water I've ever seen! Bet it's cold, too!

I think we'll have coffee in the kitchen again this morning. I have some apple newtons and blueberry newtons to go along with it!


  1. How truly beautiful is nature - all these wonderful treasures free for the viewing..thank you for posting this.

  2. Beautiful. Unfortunately I think I'd get claustrophobic.

  3. That is a beautiful place alright. Makes me wonder how many other undiscovered formations like that exist.

    Very cool place - thanks Hermit Jim

  4. 134 miles of uncharted cave, to the first to explore it must have seemed like "journey to the center of the earth". Beautiful. Apple newtons sounds good!

  5. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)December 14, 2012 at 7:48 AM

    Just beautiful! But I could never go in a cave - don't even like elevators!
    Save a bunch of cookies for me - I love newtons of any kind.

  6. One winter my wife and I stopped at every tourist friendly cave along the way, including Carlsbad. Love caves.

  7. What a place to explore. How beautiful! Thanks for taking us along for this trip.

    Coffee in the kitchen is a good thing on this cold, rainy and windy morning.

  8. Hey Gorges...
    It is kinda neat, isn't it?

    Say, thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Wanda...
    Nature is certainly a showoff sometimes! I don't mind a bit, either!

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Momlady...
    I'll tell ya what will really make you nervous...when you are in a cave like this and they turn off the lights! Man, you talk about DARK!

    They did that once when we were on a tour of Carlsbad Caverns .

    Thanks so much for coming by today!

    Hey Anon 7:08...
    I can only imagine what the person that first discovered the cave must have thought! WOW!

    Mother Nature sure has some pretty surprises for us!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Randall...
    Bet it's almost like being on another world! Scary but thrilling!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Phyllis...
    My cousin is like that. Elevators and escalators both scare him!

    Don't worry, we'll hold your hand!

    Thanks, my friend, for coming by this morning!

    Hey Sixbears...
    They sure would make for a neat place to hide out, don't ya think?

    That must have been a fun trip!

    Thanks, buddy, for the visit this morning!

    Hey Jo...
    It would make for an interesting day trip, wouldn't it?

    Bet you have plenty of caves around your place! Let's go look them over someday!

    Many thanks for the visit today, sweetie!

  9. That sure is wondrous. I wonder if any native Americans used it for a home.

  10. Hey Dizzy...
    I'm thinking that they probably used it for ceremonies more than living in.

    Superstition could come very easily in a place like that!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming over today!

  11. I did read about those many of them, the more or less constant temperature is about 56 degrees, iirc. I, too, truly enjoyed Carlsbad Caverns.

    Makes me hunger for a road trip/vacation...

  12. Hey Herlander...
    I'm with you on feeling the need for a road trip/vacation! Especially with the holiday craziness going on!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today!

  13. so beautiful.The only thing nicer than walking that cave, would be finding it.
    Annie Mouse
