Sunday, December 16, 2012

You Know That Sunday Means 'Toons...!

I do like the cartoons of old!

From what I can tell, everyone else seems to like the older ones better also! The best thing about cartoons, they are pure escapism! Just a chance to break away from all the really bad news of the day and all the crazy folks doing crazy things! That's why we have them!

Ya know, I don't think that the roadrunner, Wile Coyote, Bugs Bunny, and all the rest will ever go out of style!

Let's enjoy just one more, OK?

I do hope you enjoyed these and that you have a very good day!

Coffee on the patio this morning. I can smell rain in the air, but I think it's safe for a while.


  1. I do enjoy each and every one of them :-) I know I can find them on Youtube but it has become a tradition to come here every Sunday to watch them :-)

    Have a great day!


  2. As always, thanks for the laughter.

  3. Very nostalgic watching bugs and the roadrunner, thanks Jim for all your great posts .Cloudy and cool here. Coffee and a apple pie. All American this morning!

  4. Still laughing. Thanks for the tuned a big treat for this still raining Sunday morning. Maybe you smell are rain.

    Pass the pot please.

  5. Hey Christer...
    It's always a pleasure to have you drop by!

    Glad you enjoy the Sunday silliness.

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Just trying to make the day a little brighter , ya know?

    Thanks so much for coming over!

    Hey Randall...
    I do like some good apple pie! Breakfast of champions!

    Many thanks for dropping by this morning!

    Hey Jo...
    You know that I'm always glad to see you, sweetie ! Rain is here!

    Thanks for the visit this morning!
