Thursday, January 10, 2013

Another Thought Filled Thursday...!

One thing I want to point out here. You'll notice that there are a lot of many different names that gave us these quotes. In a way, this is sort of like life...many different folks, from all walks of life, and each one has their own point of view! The secret to making the best of these pearls of wisdom is to carefully read them, understand them, and then apply them as needed in your life.

Coffee outside this morning. It is clear right let's hope it stays that way!


  1. "Never be bullied into silence.Never allow yourself to be made a victim.Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself..."
    Harvey Fierstein

    ...hehehe, never knew my creed had an, good post

  2. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)January 10, 2013 at 4:55 AM

    A good one today, Mr. Hermit! Some great quotes to think about. Here's another one for 'ya. There are always two sides to every event. When that absolutely beautiful, breathtaking snowfall melts, it makes tons of mud! It's 40 here right now and need hip boots to go outside. Will take them off before I get to your patio - I'll bring cheesecake!

  3. Those are some very good quotes and definitely words and thoughts to live by. Sunny and warm (40 degrees) here today. But later on rain will arrive. So coffee outside sounds good to me.

  4. Hey Ken...
    Often surprising to find out where some of our favorite sayings came from, isn't it?

    Sure is good to see ya again, brother! Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Phyllis...
    Believe me, I know all about that mud! Sure does mess things up!

    Cheesecake sounds great with coffee this morning!

    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    This sure has been some crazy weather lately, hasn't it?

    Some of the old quotes from long ago still carry a good message! Guess we should pay attention!

    Stay warm and thanks for coming over this morning!

  5. Deep thoughts this morning, Hermit. I'd best get a second cup of coffee to contemplate a bit.

  6. The one I like the best is by Alice Roosevelt Longworth.

  7. Hey Sixbears...
    Many times that second cup helps to clarify things. Sure can't hurt!

    Thanks, my friend, for coming over today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Yeah, it is pretty good, isn't it?

    Of course, a list like this is bound to have something for everyone!

    Thanks, buddy, for dropping in today!

  8. I love most of these quotes. I like them all but some more.

    Coffee out on the patio sounds great. Pass the pot please.
