Thursday, February 14, 2013

An Impressive Persian...!

Sometimes just one man can make some very impressive contributions to us all!

Until recently I had never heard of this man, but the list of things he brought to us is very least in my opinion! He certainly deserves more than a casual study, I think!

The Slave Who Changed Society

Ziryab (789-857 AD) was a Persian polymath: a poet, musician, singer, cosmetologist, fashion designer, celebrity, trendsetter, strategist, astronomer, botanis, geographer and former slave. Most people have never heard of Ziryab, yet at least two of his innovations remain to this day: he introduced the idea of a three course meal (soup, main course, pudding) and he introduced the use of crystal for drinking glasses (previously metal was the primary material). He introduced asparagus and other vegetables into society, and made significant changes and additions to the music world. He had numerous children, all of whom became musicians, and spread his legacy throughout Europe. He could perhaps be considered an ancient Bach.

The list of societal changes Ziryab made is immense – he popularized short hair and shaving for men, and wore different clothes based on the seasons. He created a pleasant tasting toothpaste which helped personal hygeine (and longevity) in the region, and also invented an underarm deodorant. He also promoted bathing twice daily.

Quite a list of changes brought to society by this gentleman, would'nt you say? We might have to dig into his history a little more!

Coffee in the kitchen again this morning. I'll set out the Girl Scout cookies!


  1. Wow that is a lot to have been contributed by a single individual. I never heard of him - THANKS for posting this. I wonder if his observations as a slave helped him gain the insights for these improvements.

  2. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)February 14, 2013 at 5:53 AM

    You always bring us interesting tidbits Mr. Hermit - will have to look this one up some more.
    Hide the extra boxes - I just love Girl Scout cookies!

  3. Never heard of him and he still affects most of us daily. History must be full of unsung heros.

  4. Another unsung hero! History must be full of people who contributed so much to society but were never recognized for their achievements. I am very impressed with Ziryab. Thank you for this post.

  5. Since it was so long ago, very long ago we have never heard of him. And of course being on the other side of the world his hygiene products didn't get here for some time.

    I will bring some fresh groud coffee to the kitchen this morning.

  6. I'm all for the three course meals, deodorant, bathing and I love good music, but he can keep the asparagus! LOL

  7. Hey Anon 5:13...
    Probably his observations as a slave had a lot to do with some of them!

    Never know for sure, I guess.

    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Phyllis...
    I'm thinking that some extra history about this man would certainly be interesting. Sometimes we forget that a single person can surely make a difference!

    Thanks so much for dropping by this morning!

    Hey Sixbears...
    Sometimes the unsung heroes are by far the most interesting characters! That's what makes history so educational!

    Many thanks for taking the time to come by today!

    Hey Linda...
    It's a shame that so many of these characters are not taught in our history books. Another fail in our school system, I reckon!

    I thank you for coming by this morning!

    Hey Jo...
    To think that by this man's standards we were pretty much savages back then. Sometimes we forget these things.

    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping in this morning!

  8. Hey Hermit Ladee...
    Well, I guess he couldn't get them all right. At least he was trying!

    Probably a lot of folks wish that he had not brought up the asparagus!

    I sure do appreciate the visit today!

  9. I was liking this guy up until he said we should take baths twice a day (grin).
