Friday, February 1, 2013

Travels To The Valley Of Flowers...!

Since so many of us are still caught in the firm grip of Winter, I figured a trip to the Valley of Flowers in India would be nice!

Let's face it...for most folks reading this, Spring seems to be long off. Maybe it is, but part of getting through these days of snow, ice, rain, fog, and cold is just being able to take a mental trip to a more pleasant place! That's why many of us spend so much time during the Winter months reading seed catalogs, working on arts and craft projects, and reading books. Just taking small mind trips to a more enjoyable place. Well, today I'm gonna help!

Valley of Flowers

The Valley of Flowers is an outstandingly beautiful high-altitude Himalayan valley that has been acknowledged as such by renowned mountaineers and botanists in literature for over a century and in Hindu mythology for much longer. Its ‘gentle’ landscape, breathtakingly beautiful meadows of alpine flowers and ease of access complement the rugged, mountain wilderness for which the inner basin of Nanda Devi National Park is renowned. Valley of flower is splashed with colour as it bloomed with hundreds different beautiful flowers, taking on various shades of colours as time progressed. Valley was declared a national park in 1982, and now it is a World Heritage Site. The locals, of course, always knew of the existence of the valley, and believed that it was inhabited by fairies.

It's nice enough that we can have coffee on the patio. Even have a little sunshine!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey Reshma...
    It is pretty, isn't it?

    Thanks for coming over today!

  3. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)February 1, 2013 at 4:06 AM

    So pretty and so needed! Can't wait for Spring to get here! Chilly at 23
    this morning, so I will look forward to your patio and sunshine! I'll bring warm crumb buns for all!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Don't think I'll get to India anytime too soon so the folks advertising in their comments won't be getting any business from me. Don't you just hate it?

  6. Oh thank you Mr. Hermit for the beautiful flowers. It is -4 degrees with a -20 degree wind chill. I really needed this picture this morning to warm me up. My hubby warned me to really bundle up when I go the the grocery store today. Can't wait to have coffee on the patio today.

  7. So pretty and gives one the feeling of peace. I brought home some plants last fall so they wouldn't freeze and die, they are dead they froze even though I convered them. sigh.
    Lets have coffee on the patio and be happy. It will be spring soon.

  8. This view lifts my spirit. My feet are still freezing though ;) I ache for summer heat.
    I'd love to sit on the patio and have a cup of coffee with you. Bringing the heart healthy cookies if you desire.

  9. I see you are host to a bit of spam/free pr from singdna G. They sneak in here often too. I delete them, don't tolerate freeloaders

  10. Nice picture! I have the mountain to look at but no flowers.

  11. Hey Phyllis...
    Going back up to the 70's and maybe the 80's today! Crazy Texas weather!

    Still, I would much rather be out on a snow free patio than shoveling ice!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Yeah, sometimes these bums sneak in, despite all the efforts to keep them out!

    Always spammers out there!

    Thanks for dropping by this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    That is just way too cold to be going anywhere!

    Makes my feet cold just thinking about it!

    Stay warm! Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Jo...
    Sometimes it's just hard to save the plants!

    I have bell peppers growing on one of my plants from last season! Crazy!

    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by today!

    Hey Sissy...
    I know what you mean about the cold feet! Can't stand that!

    These spammers are some of the few that made it through my filters. Bet I can stop it, though.

    Thanks for coming over, my friend!

    Hey JMD...
    This place is really surprising, considering it's in the Himalayas!

    Very peaceful! Thanks for coming over today!

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