Thursday, February 28, 2013

You Just Can't Fix Stupid...! UPDATED!!!

Let me show you what I mean!

Yes, they are among us and "THEY DO BREED!"

Sorry about the earlier glitch! I didn't know that the title was tgoing to apply to me this morning!

Coffee out on the patio again this morning. How about some fresh cantalope?


  1. Hey Linda...
    Sorry about that, but they show up on all my browsers.

    Thanks for trying anyway. I appreciate the visit.

  2. Keep up the GREAT WORK Jim. Always love visiting!
    Common Cents

  3. Same here, Jim. Can't see the pictures.

  4. Bubba - Not seen on mine either ~ luckily I have already seen these - ha, ha.

    Thanks for being there - Big hugs -

  5. Linda isn't alone; I can't see any of the pictures either. I have seen similar stuff sent via email from friends and I know what you mean about "they breed". It is very scary. Still snowing here, but only lightly now.

  6. Linda isn't alone; I can't see any of the pictures either. I have seen similar stuff sent via email from friends and I know what you mean about "they breed". It is very scary. Still snowing here, but only lightly now.

  7. I too cannot see the pictures. The tiny box with a red "X" won't open them up either. I just hate this Windows7. Have always had trouble with it.

  8. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)February 28, 2013 at 8:07 AM

    Can't see 'em either, Mr Hermit - maybe next time! Let's just chat anyway - I'll bring plenty of spoons for those cantalopes!

  9. I can't see them either. I tried with IE8 & Chrome I'll try from home w/IE7.

  10. I can't see them either. I wonder if its your anti virus that causes them to not show? Sometimes I have to move the pictures around from word to pictures to get them to work. I know it's a pain in the butt.

    But coffee on the patio sound great this morning.

  11. Sorry everyone! I didn't realize I was talking about myself this morning!

    I think everyone should be able to see the pictures least, I hope so!

    Again I'm sorry about that! I'll try and do better next time. I appreciate the visit from everybody just the same!

  12. Well, I see them . . now. I agree, no matter what you do you just can't fix stupid.

  13. All's well now. Thanks for the laugh.

  14. I can see the pictures know. They are very funny and so very true. your pictures are new ones I haven't seen before so I am glad you got the problem fixed.

  15. Working in an architect's office for 30 + years, I've seen A LOT of funny WTH construction. Those are hilarious - thanks for posting them HermitJim.

  16. I can see them now! And they are really funny. Don't you wish you had a business and they worked for you?

  17. I wish I had a picture of the swing set my ex was putting together where the legs were slanted inwards!

  18. I wish I had a picture of the swing set my ex was putting together where the legs were slanted inwards!

  19. They breed!!!! There should be a test or licensing procedure for that.

    Thanks for the pics, Jim!

  20. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)March 1, 2013 at 9:03 AM

    Can see the pics now! Too, too funny Mr. Hermit - they were worth the wait. Glad I came back to see them!

  21. Sorry gotta go man! I am parked in the frie lane!

