Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Now THIS Is A Frog...!

Like most folks that spent a large part of their childhood in the country, I've seen my share of frogs. However, I have NEVER seen anything the size of this bad boy!

For folks that like frog legs, this would be the one to find. Too bad that they are getting to be hard to find! Not many of them hanging around the ponds in Texas, I think!

Goliath Frog

The Goliath frog—Conraua goliath—is the largest frog on Earth. It can grow up to thirty-three centimeters in length and can weigh up to three kilograms. The giant African Bullfrog is only half the size of the Goliath frog. The creature is native to west Africa. It eats crabs, small snakes and even other frogs. The Goliath frog makes no sound due to the lack of a vocal sac. It has huge, powerful legs that allow it to jump a great distance—up to three meters (10 feet). Unfortunately, like many other frog species, the Goliath frog is vulnerable to human activity such as hunting, deforestation and the pet trade. These factors have now made the frog an endangered species.

If I saw a frog like this in my yard, it might give me nightmares for a week! Still, I'll bet that I could have really got in trouble if I had taken one this size to school in the old days! Know what I mean?

Coffee out on the patio this morning. It's just way too pretty outside to stay in!


  1. ...frog legs as big as drumsticks, now that's a meal...

  2. Phyllis (N/W Jersey}March 5, 2013 at 1:47 AM

    Kermit should be very, very nice to his cousin - or else!
    Would love to be outside - getting more snow tomorrow, 21 and still windy here. I'll bring some Girl Scout cookies for all.

  3. Bubba - I'll join you for that coffee, and throw in some sugar-free homemade chocolate chip cookies - just no frog legs, please. Too early for that treat (yuk!).....

    Big hugs -

  4. mmmmmm frog legs provencale. Send some nice weathe this way, please.

  5. That is one huge frog. Those must have been "frog legs to die for" hahaha. Largest frog I've seen is the African bullfrog at our zoo. Coffee outside sounds good. supposed to snow again today.

  6. A kid could ride one of these bad boys. But eating it no not me.
    But coffee on the patio yes that's me. Have to take it while it lasts.

  7. Oh my! Glad that doesn't live near me. I have enough problems with tarantulas and rattlers without adding giant frogs to the mix.

  8. I need a pair of them for my swamp, for sure. Too bad they are silent, I bet if they were not they could make a really low tone, way lower than the bull frogs.

  9. Hey Ken...
    Would make a pretty complete meal, I think!

    Thanks for coming over, buddy!

    Hey Phyllis...
    You guys just can't get away from snow and cold weather, can you?

    We have the wind, but no snow or cold.

    Thanks for dropping in today!

    Hey Sis...
    Bring on the cookies? Always ready for some, you know that!

    Frog legs are optional! Thanks, Sis, for coming over this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    Bet you have a few frogs in your pond!

    I'd sure send ya some warm if I could!

    Thanks so much for coming by today!

    Hey Linda...
    From what the article says, this guy is bigger than the African bullfrog.

    Being able to jump 10 feet is pretty amazing!

    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Jo...
    This one would probably eat all the birds around your feeder!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming over today!

  10. Hey JMD...
    Maybe you could get the frog to help out with the pest control!

    Sure don't want one to get in the house, though!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    If you had some in your pond, and if they could sing it might just rattle the windows for ya!

    If nothing else, it would get your attention!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming over today!

  11. What Ken said! If I saw a frog that size in my yard, I'd start planning a dinner party!

  12. Hey Syrbal...
    Probably have enough to feed a small crowd!

    Reckon they are best fried?

    Thanks for coming over today!

  13. and he is holding a baby frog...

