Monday, May 20, 2013

A Cold Place For Monday Mystery...!

I think that for most of us, the best mysteries are those with no clear answers! That's what we have today!

This is a little different because the RCMPs are involved! That's right...the Mounties! How cool is that?

Lake Anjikuni

Not content with just a few individuals disappearing, Lake Anjikuni decided to take things to the next level and provide the locale for the disappearance of an entire village. It all happened in November 1930, when a trapper named Joe Labelle was looking for shelter for the night. Labelle was familiar with the Inuit village, whose population ranges from 30-2000, depending on who you believe. He made his way there and found quite an eerie scene—the villagers were nowhere to be found. Everything else, including food and rifles, had been left behind.

Labelle telegraphed the RCMP and an investigation began. In the Village Burial Ground it was discovered that at least one (sources vary) grave had been opened, clearly not by animals, and emptied. Furthermore, about 300 feet from the village, the bodies of around 7 sled dogs were found, having starved to death despite open stores of food at the village. Some versions of the story even report strange lights being seen above the lake around the time of the disappearance.

So what really happened? There have been all sorts of claims about the cause for the disappearance, including aliens (of course), ghosts, and even vampires. The RCMP’s own website disregards the story as an urban legend, but with so many versions of it floating around from so many years ago, it’s hard to be certain. Except about the vampires, I think we can be certain it wasn’t vampires!

I can ojnly imagine what an eerie place this was, with all the folks gone and the dogs being dead! I'd say spooky doesn't begin to describe it!

Coffee out on the patio this morning! I have some apple pie to go with the drinks!


  1. Sounds spooky to pie and some hot tea sound yummy........but i'll be waiting for daybreak ;)

  2. What a great idea! I love it. Simple and lovely article.

  3. Now that is a mystery to ponder about! How can a whole village just go poof? 'Ya found a good one for us today Mr. Hermit! Save a slice of that pie for me - I'm running a wee bit late today!

  4. Yay! Sunshine! Great pie and good company. Can't beat that. As for the Inuit? Must have been aliens.

  5. That really is spooky! Why would they leave food, rifles and the dogs behind - that doesn't make any sense. I go with the alien theory. Have a great day.

  6. A strange tale for the start of the week, HJ. I wondered exactly how many villages lived there because the estimate covered a wide range.

  7. There's been some strange things happen over the years. With most, we'll never really know what happened.

  8. That's a story best read by the light of day.

  9. great post very interesting. I guess that can go along with other tribe's disappearing.

    I'll take a refill thank you.

  10. Hey Phyllis...
    Daytime might be best! Sure is a lot less spooky!

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Toko...
    Glad you liked it!

    Thanks for coming by!

    Hey Chickenmom...
    I'll set some pie aside for ya!

    A complete village just going poof! is a mystery for sure!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Momlady...
    The aliens sure have my vote!

    Pie and sunshine...great combination!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    Yeah, they depend on those things to survive, so that makes it even more mysterious!

    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Breatrice...
    I was wondering about the difference in the total myself. Guess formal cencus taking isn't done there.

    Many thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Gorges...
    Many strange are out there many without an answer!

    Sure does give us a lot to think about!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    I think you're probably right about that!

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Jo...
    always strange when that many go missing all at once!

    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping in today!

  11. I'm often surprised that I'm still kicking shit around on this rock after 69 years.
