Saturday, May 4, 2013

A Sea Going Mystery...!

Some times the best stories are the ones that are true. The sea is full of strange stories and happenings, and that's part of what makes it so fascinating!

Many of the stories associated with the seas include those of lost treasure, ghost ships, and strange creatures living below the surface! How could you not like that?

We often associate these stories with times gone by, but some of them are a lot more recent than we would imagine. That's the case with this story!

The Kaz II Ghost Yacht

The Mary Celeste has gained a somewhat eerie notoriety following its discovery, apparently having been abandoned by its crew, with nobody remaining on board. This ghost vessel phenomenon seems to repeat itself, remarkably, in the modern case of the Kaz II.

In April 2007, the Kaz II was traveling with its three-man crew along the northwest Australian coast, when air surveillance noticed it drifting oddly. Upon boarding, no trace of the crew members could be found. However, no sign of trouble was discovered either. A laptop computer was still running, and the engine was on. Eating utensils were laid out on the table, while life jackets remained in their cases. The bizarre and disturbing mystery of the Kaz II essentially remains unsolved.

According to Jon Hall of the Queensland Emergency Management Office, “What they found was a bit strange in that everything was normal; there was just no sign of the crew.”

The state coroner eventually ruled that “the brothers fell overboard while attending to mechanical problems—however, the ruling is still only speculation.”

I have just one question about this whole thing. Who gets to keep the boat? I reckon they auction it off, but I'm just guessing. I wouldn't mind having it, haunted or not!

Coffee out on the patio this morning. I have some sour cream pound cake!


  1. Great story today. Unsolved mysteries are great to ponder over.

    Coffee on the patio souds great.

  2. When I was in the Coast Guard there was a rule in the regs that said CG personnel could not claim salvage when they found an empty boat on the high seas.

  3. I guess the affects of the Bermuda triangle shifted over to Australia (grin). Maybe it was aliens beaming them up into their flying saucer. . .

  4. Hey Jo...
    Good way to spend a quiet night in the mountains!

    Always glad to have ya, sweetie! Thanks for coming over!

    Hey Rob...
    I wonder why that was? I thought the laws of salvage applied universally!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Whatever it was, it sure tore up that sail!

    Nice boat, though.

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by this morning!

  5. Maybe what ever tore up that sail scared them so bad they jumped overboard? I saw a video once where a man flying an ultralight jumped out when the belt broke. He looked like he was trying to climb a ladder back up to it all the way to the ground.

  6. It looks like they set a storm sail for the main and the jib is shredded. They were expecting weather and the yacht certainly got it. I'm surprised the jackets were stowed. Whatever happened, happened before the bulk of the storm hit when they still felt secure enough to not wear the life jackets..

  7. The story says there was no sign of the crew, then the coroner says they fell overboard. Did they actually find the bodies? Now you've got my curiosity in full gear!

  8. Hey Tffnguy...
    Whatever caused them to leave the boat is anybody's guess. We will probably never know!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Muddy Valley...
    It does seem strange to me that they weren't wearing the jackets.

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Hermit ladee...
    Could be that the coroner was ruling on a cause of disappearance without any bodies. I don't know!

    Might have to Google the name and see if there is anymore info!

    Many thanks for coming by today!

  9. It's really really big out there.

    Imagine the crew memebers not paying attention and a wave shakes the boat. They all fall off and boat keeps on sailing. Very easy for something like that to happen.

  10. Hey Sixbears...
    Just one more reason to be wearing the life jackets, I reckon.

    Scary thought...falling over board!

    Thanks for the visit today!
