Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Oklahoma Dog Story...!

In the midst of all the bad news lately, it's refreshing to finally find a ray of hope somewhere.

You may have already heard this story, but it bears repeating!

The Oklahoma Dog

Last week a tornado touched down in Oklahoma, reducing the town of Monroe to rubble. Homes were destroyed, families separated and 24 people killed. In other words, it was a catastrophe—and, within hours, news sites were awash with images of misery, devastation and more misery. Because this is the internet after all, the most-shared photo quickly became one of a mournful collie standing watch over a demolished house. The story went that ‘Susie’ was guarding her owner’s body, and our hearts collectively broke like a bunch of hormonal tweens watching the last installment of Twilight. By any sane reckoning, that image was sadness personified: where would the adorable little mutt go now?

How about home to her owner? In the sort of twist that would be mawkish in a Spielberg movie but is awesome in real life, it turned out Susie’s owner was not only alive—he was scouring the devastated town, desperate to find his dog. Because sometimes the internet really does have its uses, his sister spotted Susie’s picture on Facebook and alerted the sheriff’s; leading to a touching reunion.

It's always sad to see so many folks hurt and displaced like those in Oklahoma, but a little joy can be felt in a small reunion such as this one!

Coffee outside this morning. Fried ham and biscuits on the side!


  1. I saw that dog supposedly sitting over the master's body in the rubble. I am glad to know there was not a body under him.

  2. Hey Linda...
    It's good to know that he was guarding the home and not the master's body.

    Gotta love a happy (sort of) ending!

    Thanks for coming over today!

  3. I saw the picture also. Glad there was a good ending. I just don't how the people in that town are going to get their lives back together again.
    Breakfast sounds good - I'll bring eggs to add to your feast!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. In a disaster we take comfort where we can find it.

  6. I didn't see that story but I'm sure glad it had a happy ending. We need more stories in the news with happy endings instead of all the doom and gloom. Breakfast sounds good to me - especially on the patio (raining cats and dogs here).

  7. It is touching to see and even more touching that the dog stood there guarding or allowing some one to find the body of a stranger.

    I'll just have some coffee I have a food hang over from yesterday.

  8. Hey Gorges...
    Beats it for sure! I like this version better!

    Thanks for coming over!

    Hey Phyllis...
    Fresh eggs sure does sound good!

    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Sixbears...
    That is for sure! Gotta take what good news we can get!

    Thanks for dropping by this morning.

    Hey Linda...
    I certainly agree with you on the happy ending! Need more for sure!

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    It really is, isn't it?

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Jo...
    We will take all the good news we can get coming out of that area!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming over this morning!

  9. I saw that story on Facebook and thought it strange that no one dug up the body but rather took a photo of the dog :-) :-) Nice to know that the owner is alive and well and that they are reunited again.

    But I did see a true story on tv. An American news program was talking to an elderly woman that survived the tornado and she was sure her dog had died. Then suddenly the dog stood there alive and well :-)

    Have a greatd ay!

  10. Did you see the video of the older lady that just knew her dog didn't make it and while being interviewed the dog poked it's nose out and whined, he was ok! They were both ecstatic and I cried.

  11. Hey Christer...
    It's always nice to find out that something good happens to some of those folks. Life will be hard enough without losing their companion as well!

    Many thanks for coming over today!

    Hey LadyHawthorn...
    Certainly gives one a warm and fuzzy feeling!

    I appreciate you coming over today!

  12. While I did not see the original story of the dog guarding the home and owner, reading this post about the reunion was good news, especially after so much sad news.

  13. Hey Beatrice...
    Good news from that area is welcome, I'm sure!

    I really appreciate you coming over today!
