Sunday, June 16, 2013

Once Again It's Time For Sunday Funnies...!

I know many folks get tired of the same ol' thing, but Sunday we do the 'toons! That's just the way it is.

Back to the basics this morning with some Roadrunner. I think most folks like 'em!

Always the same chase, the same results, and the same entertainment factor!

I just can't help myself. I really get a bang out of these two!

OK, OK...enough of the fun stuff! Let's have another cup to help get through the day!


  1. Ever notice how much the coyote's "Acme" company is like Amazon?

  2. You always post good ones, Mr. Hermit! Wouldn't be a Sunday without 'em! I'll bring a box of sugar wafers for all to enjoy!

  3. Happy Fathers Day my friend! I know your kitties are glad your their dad.

    To add to your always the same, and always the same good deep down in the heart laughter.

    Pass the pot please.

  4. Hey Rob...
    Now that you mention it, it does! I never thought of that before!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Phyllis...
    Bring on those sugar wafers!

    I'm glad you liked the 'toons, and happy that you could come by today!

    Hey Jo...
    I appreciate the Father's Day greetings, sweetie!

    Always good for a laugh, if nothing else! That's what the 'toons are for!

    Many thanks for coming over today!

  5. Beep Beep :)) A smile to start the day is always a good thing! Being Dad to our furbabies is an important job happy fathers day to you and all the other dads be it to two legged or four legged babies!!

  6. Hey Momahen...
    I think my kitties all know that I'm the guy with the food! That's why I'm so popular!

    Hey, thanks for coming over today!
