Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Mine Is Smaller Than Yours...!

This is certainly one gun I wouldn't mind having!

This thing is really impressive, to say the least! Not only does it look cool, but it actually shoots real bullets! That's really cool, if you ask me!

According to the company website, the Swiss MiniGun is “a double action revolver and has all the same features as are found on a real size gun.” As the name implies, the gun and its components are Swiss-made, which kind of makes sense—a country famous for the quality of its clocks and watches should have no trouble with a working pistol the size of a thumb drive.

The six-shot revolver fires 2.3-caliber, 1.97-grain bullets, which are made by the same company, and even produces a tiny little kick as it shoots these tiny little bullets at a muzzle velocity of around 400 feet per second—right around the same as your average child’s BB gun and capable of doing about the same amount of damage.

Of course, there are still those who are up in arms, so to speak, about the alleged weapon’s potential concealability, which we suppose is a valid argument. Even the slowest, smallest projectile can injure or kill if placed properly, and despite the fact that it looks almost exactly like a key chain, the Swiss MiniGun is, in fact, a gun—the smallest in the world.

Just goes to show that you can really find just about anything on the internet. Thanks to the fine folks at Listverse for having stuff like this !

I'm thinking we should have coffee out on the patio this morning. I have some banana pudding rolls we can share!


  1. At a price of $6800, I think I'll wait a while to order!

  2. Hey Gorges...
    Like you, I couldn't afford it right now!

    Being practical, I'd rather use that money for extra food!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  3. Beautiful craftsman ship, but the cost will buy an awful lot of chicken feed! Save a couple of those rolls for me!

  4. By the time I got my glasses out to see the gun, the fly would be gone!

  5. I would end up loosing it. I know I would.

  6. That is so cool looking. The price is a tad bit prohibitive for me though; and I would definitely need my glasses to be able to use it. I would love coffee outside this morning. Save my spot on the swing.

  7. . . . and I thought it was a pic of the world's biggest hand.

  8. Hey Phyllis...
    Right you are about the chicken feed! That much money would certainly get a lot!

    Got plenty of rolls to go around!

    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Sunnybrook...
    I can see where that might be a problem. Better to stick with the fly swatter!

    Thanks for coming by!

    Hey MDR...
    That sounds like something I would do as well!

    Many thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Linda...
    I'm thinking we would all have to pool our money to get one, and then share the glasses!

    Imagine trying to load one!

    Thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Sixbears...
    Naw! That's for another post later on.

    Thanks, my friend, for dropping by!

  9. That is small. Fumbling fingers would not allow much protection. And price is just a little steep. But the Swiss sure now how to make great pieces.

    Coffee on the patio sounds wonderful to me.

  10. It would take a mighty skinny finger to get in that trigger guard. Is that an extension that is below the guard?

  11. The saying "Don't bring a knife to a gun fight" comes to mind.

  12. Hey Jo...
    Like you say...pretty, but out of my price range!

    Could buy a really nice camper for that!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming over this morning!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Most of our group might want to opt for something a tad bigger!

    Thanks for coming by today, buddy!

    Hey Ian...
    That saying certainly comes to mind, no doubt!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  13. Even I have to admit that it is rather cool :-)

    Have a great day!

  14. I wouldn't be interested in one.
