Sunday, September 1, 2013

Cartoons For The Day After The Reunion...!

We all seemed to survive the get-together with no bloodshed at all! That's a good thing!

One thing about these gatherings, there is always plenty of food! My favorite foods are stuff made by other folks! For some reason, it always taste better than what I make myself!!

Thought that last one would fit right in with our weather, ya know?

I don't know if many of you remember some of these songs, but I do! Gotta love it!

I guess that last one is enough to start the morning on! We can sit back now and talk about our weekend plans! OK?

Coffee out on the patio this morning. Want to join me in a rain dance?


  1. 'Toons are always a great start to the day. Glad to hear there was no bloodshed. Will try to send the wet stuff your way.

  2. Taking my moccasins off now for my rain dance was a pure success. Great Spirit showering me the whole week-end. Gracious, outside work needs attention. Advice to heed: Be careful what you wish for ... or pray for.

    Got any leftovers from the gathering; I'm hungry for some with the coffee. Pie? Pudding?

  3. Another successful reunion, that's great.

    I thought you might be tired of the rain. I think we will be clear up a bit but looks like the temps are going to go 3 digits again. Guess I won't be doing any BBQ tomorrow.

  4. Hey Momlady...
    After a few days of 100 degree weather we could sure use it!

    I like the 'toons myself! Go figure!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Sissy...
    I would settle for just a good overnight rain, ya know?

    Leftovers? Man, I got enough to feed us all for quite a while!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Jo...
    Sometimes you have to brave the heat and fire up the grill anyway!

    Being a typical Texan, I gripe when it rains and again when it doesn't rain! Funny how that works!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming over today!

  5. that food tastes better cause i don't have to wash the dishes or heat up the house!
    deb harvey

    glad you had a good time.

  6. that food tastes better cause i don't have to wash the dishes or heat up the house!
    deb harvey

    glad you had a good time.
