Saturday, January 4, 2014

Building Up Some Good Karma Points...!

Sometimes I tend to forget that there are actually folks in this world that are more concerned with others than themselves.

Inspiration can come to us from the most unlikely places and people at times. When I read an article like this, I'm put to shame about how little I do compared to these good people. No matter how little they have, they give it to those they feel are more needy! The word that comes to mind right off the bat is "HERO!"

The Living Bulgarian Saint

Dobri Dobrev is well-known to many people in his native homeland of Sofia, Bulgaria, where he has been regularly begging on the streets for decades. What many do not know however, is that Dobrev doesn’t keep a single cent from the proceeds. Instead, he uses the money to fix various churches and monasteries and pay for the upkeep of orphanages.

So far, he has donated over $52,000 while living on a measly pension of about $100 a month. Dobrev, who is nearly 100 years old and lost his hearing in World War II, discusses his mission in this local television interview.

It's hard to see someone like this old man doing something like this and realize how much more I could do. I guess that my heart isn't as humble as this old and wonderful man! God bless him!

Coffee in the kitchen again this morning. Anyone care for a bear claw?


  1. There are some amazing people in this old world.

    Better save me a bear claw.

  2. What an amazing man. There must be more like him somewhere though few I'm sure. Great post.

    I'll have to skip coffee again this morning.

  3. Nice story. Now I have no excuse for not getting my chore list done! Ha....bear claw would be perfect.

  4. God bless that man. Sure wish there were more people like him around including myself. A bear claw sounds good. Hunkering down for the "big chill".

  5. People like this are inspiring. And when I see this and then see people getting all bent out of shape over a TV show or some football game, I just want to smack them. So many more important things in the world.

  6. Mmm, I'd like half a bear claw. Is the coffee good and hot? Mine is cold but still better than an Icicle Slurpy, eh?

    No time like the present to learn the virtue of humility. This is why we are learn, to help our fellow man. Remember the words of a song: "reach out and touch someone"...this is what it's all about.

    Stay warm, Hermit. It appears we're all in for a bitter time. Odd how it was predicted last summer to be a BAD how do they do that? Makes me ponder.

  7. Hey Sixbears...
    That there are, my friend!

    I'll set one aside for ya!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Jo...
    We can use many more with his outlook, I think!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming by today!

    Hey JMD...
    I know what you mean!

    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Linda M...
    Definitely seems to be a good person.

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Annie...
    Right you are about the important things in life!

    Many thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Sissy...
    Coffee is always good and hot at the Hermit's!

    Does look like the bad times are coming on fast with more nasty weather!

    Take care and thanks for coming over today!

  8. If all of us could be just a little bit like that good man, the world would be so much better.

  9. Hey Dizzy...
    I couldn't agree with you more!

    Thanks for coming over today!

  10. If only there were more like him!
