Friday, January 31, 2014

Cute But Armed...!

Nature has some fairly unique ways of helping critters defend themselves. This cutie is one of those cases!

Despite the cute name, this little rascal is pretty smart when it comes to self defense. Not something I would want to tangle with!

The Teddy Bear Crab Makes Living Weapons

The teddy bear crab is a small crustacean covered in bushy, white bristles. While a furry crab is curious enough, the species Polydectus cupulifer also has an unusual behavior. It picks up stinging anemones, one in each claw, and wields them as weapons. The crab doesn’t just stand there looking like a miniature yeti with red pain-pompoms, though. It can tell which anemones are useful, and turns the anemone around so it can grip it from the right angle. Then, the crab is able to strike with just the right part of its weapon.

The anemone isn’t just something to attack predators with, either—it’s also a food source. The crab will happily collect food from its “companions,” even going so far as to reach inside the anemone’s digestive system to pull out anything the anemone has already eaten.

Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems to me that the crab has this whole Surviving thing down pretty pat! I had never heard of this guy until I ran across him over at Listverse!Thanks to them, I learn something new every day!

Coffee out on the patio this morning. Moving to the high 50's already and high 60's later, so seems safe to be outside!


  1. I've never heard of that one, Mr. Hermit! Seems to be a smart little fellow who knows how to survive.
    It's 17 here and would love to sit out in the warm sunshine! Dunkin' Donut time!

  2. My best weapons are guns. :-)

  3. This little guy sounds like my kind of self defense guy. Smart. Coffee outside in the sunshine sounds great. It is 8 here. Have a great weekend.

  4. Can't be called a "dumb animak" that's for sure. Not as coldvas it has been at 33 this morning but would love to enjoy the 50's on the patio and DD's i'm there :))

  5. Now that guy is heavily armed. . .

  6. Never knew of this critter either thanks for the post. Living out here I guess I don't have to worry about running into him.

    Windy as heck here and very cloudy. I hope we get some rain we are way behind again.

  7. Hey Phyllis...
    Does seem kinda smart, doesn't he?

    Thanks for coming over!

    Hey BBC...
    I reckon that these anemones are his guns!

    Thanks for the visit!

    Hey Linda M...
    Sounds like he has a good plan going, right?

    Smart critter! Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Mamahen...
    Now that's a big improvement over what it has been!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Yep...he is that! Dangerous little bugger!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Jo...
    Yeah, I don't think he will be a problem out in your area anytime soon!

    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping in!
