Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Scary Thoughts About Food In The Future...!

This is not a subject that many of care to think about, much less discuss. However, now is the time that we should really put some thought into the subject!

Let's face it-the population of this old world is growing by leaps and bounds, and the ability to produce a more abundant food supply is NOT keeping pace with that! Seems to me that sooner or later, there's gonna be a problem.

The Future Of Food

The Meat Crisis refers to the way our global love of a good, juicy steak may yet doom the entire planet. From advanced Western nations to their developing counterparts, meat consumption is on the rise; from an average 20kg per person in 1990, to a predicted 50kg by 2030. Since roughly a third of the usable land on our planet is already put aside for raising livestock, that’s a heck of a lot of meat. Unless we want to exacerbate our entire resources battle, we’re gonna have to start looking for alternatives—and that’s where the controversy comes in.

A lot of us live in cultures which really, really don’t like the state tampering with our food choices. When NYC attempted to restrict the sale of large sodas last year, the backlash threatened to engulf the entire visible universe. The idea of GM foods and fluoride in water still sends people into a lather of anger. So what do you think will happen when governments start pushing artificial meat on us? Prediction: People will respond in the exact same way they do whenever anyone tries to push anything on them—with plenty of outrage.

Does anyone besides me see a possibility of a "Soylent Green" scenario developing here? I know it sounds far fetched, but is it really? I mean, how are we really planning to feed all those future generations with the resources we have now? I hope someone has a workable plan in the works, don't you?

Coffee in the kitchen this morning. Let's have some old fashioned cinnamon toast!


  1. We have no idea the evils that Satan will yet bring against us.

  2. The economy and government will collapse long before we get fake meat, well unless you eat fast food.

  3. Everyone will have to grow their own food and guard it. The future is in hydroponics. Cinnamon toast sounds wonderful!

  4. As I see it "Soylent Green" isn't far behind. I look at all the technology that was on Star Trek and how it is all coming to fruition. They are replicating food, etc. It is scary and maybe - even tho I don't agree - so is population control. Cinnamon toast sounds good on a bitter cold morning.

  5. Two words...Soylent Green.
    Cinnamon toast is on my favorites list.

  6. A few large companies process most meat, and take all the shortcuts they can, this could be a problem in the future on this over populated rock.

  7. Hey Gorges...
    This is so true!

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Sunnybrook...
    Maybe the fake meat is only the start of it.

    Thanks for coming over!

    Hey Phyllis...
    Funny that you should mention that! I was just researching hydroponics!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Linda M...
    So many things about the future we once thought of as science fiction are coming about. Makes some of the old stories seem almost prophetic...

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    That just about says it all!

    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey BBC...
    I can sure see some problems coming up fairly soon!

    Thanks for coming by!

  8. My wife is vegetarian and doesn't eat meat, so it wouldn't matter to her. I, on the other hand, like some good beef now and then.

  9. I fear for our childrenn grandchildren...

  10. Years ago when we ate meat only took up about 1/4 of the plate (at the most) now it is about 3/4 of the plate, at least when you eat out anyways.
