Sunday, January 19, 2014

Sunday Slapstick...!

Well, I don't guess that the modern cartoons are really slapstick, but they will have to do! Besides, what is slapstick but fun?

Actually, this isn't a bad way to spend a Sunday morning in the Winter time, I reckon. Beats having to fight cabin fever, right? Right!

Guess that all the snow is just to remind us what time of the year it is! Glad I live in the south, let me tell ya!

First a taste of Winter, then a look ay Spring! How cool is that?

Ya know, seeing all that popcorn makes me hungry! Let's get some popcorn going on the stove, OK?

Guess we'll have our coffee out on the patio...with fresh popcorn, of course! The birds will love it!


  1. Thank you for the "chicken" 'toon -
    loved it! I'll bring lots of butter for the popcorn. I haven't had any in a while!

  2. Just saw on the tv it's national popcorn day so we shall celebrate :)) Woody looked a bit like us 33° this morning but single digits on the way again this week.... :(

  3. Hey Phyllis...
    I figured you might like the chickens!

    Buttered popcorn! Good breakfast!

    Thanks for coming over!

    Hey Mamahen...
    Looks like the 'toons were right on time then!

    Warming up nicely here!

    Thanks for coming over!

    1. The circles my mind wonders in lol.. So I check out fb ..make sitting here listening to my hubby n son in law talk about the playoff games today...n my mind says..."You said Woody wasn't Woody it was Donald Duck" lol....oh the important things I dwell on lol :))

  4. Sorry I didn't make it this morning Yahoo for some reason didn't understand NO and took over my computer. And had to run errands so just got it fixed hope it stay fixed or Yahoo will be history right along with blogger
