Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Chisolm Trail History On Western Wednesday...!

Often we refer to a certain place or time in history without knowing the story of it's beginning! I reckon the Chisolm Trail falls into that category.

The story of Jesse Chisholm is interesting in it's own right. He was one of those men we don't hear much about, but considering what all he accomplished maybe we should learn more about him!

Mar 4, 1868:
Founder of Chisholm Trail dies

Jesse Chisholm, who blazed one of the West's most famous trails, dies in Oklahoma of food poisoning.

Although the trail named for him later came to be one of the major cattle-drive routes between Texas and Kansas, Jesse Chisholm was a frontier trader, not a cattleman. Born in Tennessee of a Scottish father and a Cherokee mother, Chisholm was among the early pioneers who moved west into what is now the state of Arkansas. In his 20s, he joined a community of Cherokee Indians in northwestern Arkansas and became a frontier trader. His familiarity with both Anglo and Native American culture and language (he could reportedly speak 14 different Indian dialects) helped him build a thriving trade with the Osage, Wichita, Kiowa, and Commanche.

Chisholm's knowledge of the Native Americans also made him useful to government officials. The U.S. was eager to negotiate treaties with the tribes in the region, and Chisholm served as a liaison between tribal leaders and federal officials at several important councils. Many Indian leaders trusted and respected Chisholm, and he successfully negotiated for the release of numerous Anglo captives taken by the Kiowa and Commanche.

Chisholm's vast knowledge of southwestern geography were invaluable in trailblazing. He led several important expeditions into the Southwest during the 1830s and 1840s, and during the Civil War opened a trading post near present-day Wichita, Kansas. Following the war, he blazed one of the first trading routes south down from Wichita to the Red River in central Texas. Eventually extended all the way south to the Gulf of Mexico, the trading route became known as the Chisholm Trail.

A straight wagon road with easy river crossings and few steep grades, Chisholm designed his trail for the lumbering heavy freight wagons used for commerce. In 1867, a year before Chisholm died, his trail also began to be used for a different purpose: cattle drives. The rapidly growing Texas cattle industry needed to move its herds north to the railheads in Kansas, and Chisholm's gentle trail provided an ideal route. During the next five years, more than a million head traveled up the road, trampling down a path that was in some places 200 to 400 yards wide. Hooves and the erosion of wind and water eventually cut the trail down below the level of the plains it crossed, permanently carving Chisholm's Trail into the face of the earth and guaranteeing its lasting fame. Traces of the trail may still be seen to this day.

It's easy to see that men like Chisholm certainly made it easier for the masses that followed. Thanks to men like him, some of the hardships of the journey westward were lessened. That's my opinion, at least!

Coffee inside again. How about some honey dew melon to snack on?


  1. One of our early true heros iif ledgen is correct.. Love honedew melon. I'll meet everyone in he kitchen :))

  2. It was the beginning of paving over paradise and putting up parking lots, we are a curse on this planet.

    This summer I'm going in search of a very small town to live in, or near, big cities have always bothered me.

  3. Very interesting story. I love the fact that you can still see parts of the trail to this day. Honey dew melon and coffee sound good to me.

  4. Can you just imagine the sight of all those cattle moving at once? It must have been awesome!
    Melon is a wonderful treat - got at least 9 more inches of the white stuff! :o(

  5. What struck me the most was the pioneers moving "west to Arkansas".

    Coffee is nice & inside will work as it is early February.

  6. Nice to read this story. Love learning the history of out country.

    Nice hot coffee will be great and I love melon. Ugly day here so far and cold.

  7. I enjoy reading everything pertaining to that era. Would have loved to have lived in that era, but may not have survived birth or childhood illnesses. Many died young.
