Friday, March 28, 2014

Let's Talk Spies...!

Usually when you think about spies, you think in terms of cloak and dagger, right?

Some very famous and well known people were spies and everyone seemed to know it. Still, they remained prosperous and successful both during and after the war! Makes you ask the logical question...WHY?

Coco Chanel Was A Nazi Spy And Recruiter
By Debra Kelly on Thursday, March 27, 2014

Even if you’re not familiar with the world of fashion, Coco Chanel is going to be one of the names that you recognize. She’s the one with the perfume—Chanel No. 5—which has its own weird wartime history (agents were sent by shareholders in her company into German-occupied territory to make sure the recipe for the perfume wasn’t acquired by the Third Reich), and she’s also the one that’s credited with inventing the idea of the little black dress. She was also a fanatical anti-Semite and a Nazi collaborator.

It’s long been known that Chanel was not only living in Paris during World War II, but that she had taken Nazi officer Baron Hans Gunther von Dincklage as her lover. At the same time, this not only put her in close contact with other, more notorious Nazi names like Goebbels and Goering, but it also gave her the freedom to travel through Nazi-occupied Europe as she liked.

For a long time, it was thought that it was no more than that—perhaps an affair of convenience at best. But more documents have surfaced, including a record of her code name—Westminster. She also had an Abwehr designation—F-7124. Her German lover, who was a well-documented and highly successful German spy, was F-8680 and reported directly to Goebbels.

They traveled together across France, recruiting others to the cause. She was also often in the company of fellow Frenchman and German agent Baron Louis de Vaufreland; on the surface, she was simply his traveling companion. In actuality, they were scouting for others that could be turned into informants and agents.

One thing Chanel was certainly never shy about was her anti-Semite bias, in spite of the fact that many of her clients were Jewish. In the 1930s, she spent some time in Hollywood, during which it was well documented that great lengths were gone to in order to keep people of the Jewish faith away from her. It was also well documented that she couldn’t wait to get back to mingling with the upper echelons of British nobility, as she firmly believed they were so much more her class of person.

Previously, references to her Nazi involvement have been toned down to imply that she simply co-existed alongside them for her own survival. That’s a harder thing to claim with the emergence of new documents, however, but it’s not entirely surprising that just how deep her involvement with the Nazi party was got covered up pretty neatly.

(It’s said that she even paid off the families of former Nazi officers to keep her name out of their memoirs, journals, and other published materials.)

At the end of the war, she did a good bit of covering up her involvement herself. She informed on those that had previously been her collaborators, including de Vaufreland. It wasn’t long after the war that she had already gone a long way in re-establishing her fashion empire, backed by plenty of money and plenty of big names.

She was a French icon and in the years after the war, an icon was needed. What she did during the war didn’t matter so much.

It never fails to amaze me at how many evil people get away with the things they do. Instead of being treated like the scum they were, they became icons in their country! Countries that they betrayed! America did the same thing with some of their "icons." Don't believe me? Look into the association of Charles Linberg and the Nazi Party! Oh, and don't forget the forgiveness we gave to Wernher Von Braun, inventor of the V rockets used to rain death on London and the rest of England! He was basically the father of our space program! So it goes!

Coffee out on the patio. Looking at a high of 82 today!


  1. Wow! Didn't know that about her. My parents always talked about Lindbergh. In fact, when his baby was kidnapped, my Grandmother lived close to them and her house was checked out by the police, as was everyone's house in the neighborhood.
    82 degrees? I can only dream about that!

  2. I did not know she was a spy. I did know about Lindbergh and van Braun tho. It just frosts me how these people get away with the things they did and we idolize them. You know if I did what they did I would be hung me out to dry. Wow, 82 degrees - what's that like, I don't know anymore - it snowed here this AM. But I for sure will be there on your patio. Have a great weekend.

  3. Wernher Von Braun -aimed for the stars, and hit London.

    Lots of dirty hands during wartime.

  4. Hey Phyllis...
    Many famous people in our past got away with a lot, due to their popularity. Does make you wonder!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Linda M...
    Guess that folks like you and I are not famous enough to get away with these kinds of things. Just look at all the bozos in the music business and the well known actors that are allowed a free pass in all that they do!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    That about sums it up!

    Thanks for the visit today!

  5. Sure didn't know that. It seems that if the person is useful, their past will be forgotten.
